FPH UI Holds Workshop “Study on Strengthening Community-Based Surveillance in the Area of Maternal and Child Health”

The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) in collaboration with the Depok City Health Service held a research activity workshop entitled “Study on Strengthening Community-Based Surveillance in Maternal and Child Health Areas” on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

Carried out in the FPH UI Doctoral Promotion Room, this activity aims to agree on potential interventions related to community-based health surveillance in maternal and child health to be implemented and considered in health programs in Depok City.

Based on the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation number 45 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Health Surveillance, there are 5 targets for implementing surveillance, namely, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, environmental health, social health, and other health problems. Considering that the health status of mothers and children is still the focus of public health problems, due to the high maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate, it is very important to strengthen the maternal and child health surveillance system as part of the surveillance targets for other health problems. West Java Province needs to strengthen the surveillance system, including on maternal and child health issues, because the maternal mortality rate in West Java is still the highest on the island of Java (BPS Population Census 2020). The city of Depok, which is in West Java Province, shows an increasing number of infant deaths (59 cases in 2021 to 92 cases in 2022) (inews Depok), and the number of maternal deaths tends to increase (26 cases in 2020 to 65 cases in 2021) (journal.FPH.ui.ac.id).

The results of this workshop will later be used to implement and strengthen a community-based surveillance system that can detect early cases of problematic maternal and child health so that they can be referred to appropriate health facilities.

At this workshop, Prof. Dr. Dr. Sabarinah Prasetyo, M.Sc., FPH UI Professor and research team, Depok City Health Service, Hospital, Cimanggis and Sukmajaya District Health Centers, Indonesian Public Health Experts Association (IAKMI), Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI), Sub-district Head Cimanggis and Sukmajaya Districts, Village Heads in the working areas of Cimanggis and Sukmajaya Districts, Family Welfare Development (PKK) in Cimanggis and Sukmajaya Districts, as well as Cadres in the working areas of Cimanggis and Sukmajaya Districts. (wrk)