FPH UI Pre-Graduation: Moments of Proud and Emotion for Graduates Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) is again holding a Pre-Graduation procession for prospective graduates and female graduates for the Even Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs. Held at the UI Convention Hall on September 16, 2023, FPH UI held Pre-Graduation in 2 (two) sessions, namely a morning session for Postgraduate Program graduates and an afternoon session for Undergraduate Program graduates.

In the Even Semester of FY 2022/2023, FPH UI graduated 289 Postgraduate Program graduates consisting of 273 Masters Program graduates and 16 Doctoral Program graduates, as well as 227 Undergraduate Program graduates. “Of all undergraduate program graduates who achieved the cum laude distinction, 184 people or 81%, a special achievement, Alhamdulillah. We have high hopes that, as alumni, you prospective graduates who we are proud of will one day become important actors bringing change in the development of public health at the national and international levels. “Realize that you will be a reference and role model who will determine the face, branding and authority of this FPH that we love,” said the Dean of FPH UI, Prof. Dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., in his speech at the Pre-Graduation Undergraduate Program. At the Pre-Graduation session for the Postgraduate Program, the Dean of FPH UI also expressed his pride that 138 of the 289 Postgraduate graduates also achieved cum laude honors. This is a proud achievement for FPH UI to graduate most graduates with cum laude honors every year.

Apart from the speech from the Dean, at both Pre-Graduation sessions there was also the General Treasurer of the FPH UI Alumni Association, Ati Nirwanawati, S.K.M., M.A.R.S., who gave a speech

as a representative of ILUNI FPH UI. Not only the greeting session with the Dean, the FPH UI Pre-Graduation also gave graduates the opportunity to give their final performance as a memory, where the Postgraduate Program graduates performed a flashmob which invited all attendees to dance together to the rhythm of the song. Meanwhile, the Bachelor Program graduates gave performances from 6 people who are members of the Abi Band by performing the songs Sahabat Kecil (Ipang) and Monokrom (Tulus). Apart from that, graduates from the Undergraduate Program also presented a memorable video which is a compilation of photos and videos from all study programs from new students to graduates.

At the Pre-Graduation session for the Undergraduate Program, a Graduate Oath session was also held for each study program led by the professional organization that oversees it. The Bachelor of Public Health Study Program is led by Vetty Yulianty Permanasari, S.Si., M.P.H., from the Indonesian Association of Public Health Experts (IAKMI); The Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program is led by Rudatin, SST.MK., S.K.M., M.Si., from the Indonesian Nutritionists Association (PERSAGI); The Environmental Health Undergraduate Study Program is led by Dr. Ema Hermawati, S.Si., M.K.M., from the Environmental Health Specialist Association (EHSA); as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Undergraduate Study Program led by Dr. Hendra, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., from the Indonesian Occupational Health Experts Association (PAKKI).

“Our message is, wherever you are, continue to perfect yourself by diligently deepening and expanding your knowledge, strengthening your noble personality and being devoted to God Almighty and always maintaining the integrity, good name and honor of your alma mater and the Indonesian nation,” concluded the Dean of FPH UI in his speech. (wrk)