The Faculty of Public Health constantly measures the amount of low carbon energy used within the faculty area. In 2023, the low carbon energy used came from utilizing two solar panels which generates an energy output of 12 kWp. The measurement of the low carbon energy was done on a monthly basis by using a device made to track energy received from the solar panels.
The Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia provide a local education program on climate change risks and impacts through online seminars entitled below:
1) Emergency Response of Climate Change
2) Breathing for a Better Tomorrow: Unveiling the Impact of Air Pollution on Our Climate and Health
Aside from online seminars, lecturers from the Department of Environmental Health, Universitas Indonesia actively participates in educating the public about climate through seminars, expert lectures, and talk shows.
Providing local education about climate is also carried out by the Environmental Health Student Association through a work program called Envicare. In 2023, Envicare collaborated with RUJAK to hold an activity themed “Climate and Weather Education”. Education is carried out for elementary school children who live in RW 01 Pasar Minggu.
Emergency Response of Climate Change : Community-Based WASH Intervention
Breathing for a Better Tomorrow Unveiling the Impact of Air Pollution on Our Climate and Health
The Department of Environmental Health from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia participated in co-operative planning for climate change disasters with the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control from the Indonesia’s Ministry of Health. This cooperation was carried out in June 2023, with the following objectives:
1) To gain knowledge about air quality in Jabodetabek area,
2) To know the current state of public health and whether there has been a lot of cases of diseases caused by air pollution in Jabodetabek area,
3) To understand the correlation between the air quality and the spike in cases of diseases caused by air pollution in Jabodetabek area, and
4) To provide recommendations on what should be done to monitor and analyze the environmental health risk caused by the poor air quality.
Professor Budi Haryanto, lecturer from the Department of Environmental Health from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia contributed to the publication of a book chapter on climate change and health. The book title is “Climate Change and Human Health Scenarios”, while the book chapter that he wrote is titled “Status of Nationally Determined Contributions in Indonesia: A Review on Climate Change Health Impacts”.
One of the lecturers from the Department of Environmental Health, Prof. Budi Haryanto, was a speaker in the Public Discussion entitled “Clean Air Emergency: Society Needs Solutions, Not Pollution”. This activity collaborated with an NGO working in the environmental sector, namely “Bicara Udara”. Aside from being a speaker in a Public Discussion, Prof. Budi Haryanto also works closely with another NGO called “Nafas Indonesia” as a keynote speaker for one of their events.