Achieving National Achievement, M. Nanda Putra Pratama Wins 4.0 GPA Quiz at Makassar State University

The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) is again proud of its students’ achievements. M. Nanda Putra Pratama S.M., 2022 Environmental Health undergraduate student, won 2nd place in the GPA 4.0 Quiz organized by the Pinisi Law-Years Club Vol. II, Makassar State University 2024. The competition will be held online on 7-11 March 2024 with the theme “The Role of Students in Creating a Campus that is Healthy and Free of Sexual Violence”.

Nanda said that the competition was held in 3 stages directly. “The third stage is the final stage which provides an analysis test and then provides an argument regarding general knowledge and knowledge of the PPKS Task Force on campus,” he said. “This competition has material that refers to Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 and Persesjen Number 17 of 2022.”

Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 30 of 2021 is a legal regulation regarding the prevention and handling of sexual violence in higher education environments which was then used as an implementation guideline in Persesjen (Regulation of the Secretary General) Number 17 of 2022. As for The Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence (Satgas PPKS) is a manifestation of the mandate of Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 in realizing a campus that is free from violence.

According to Nanda, the material related to the PPKS Task Force was interesting and gave him insight. One of them is regarding PPKS reporting procedures in the campus environment as well as messages from the lecturers as the jury who said that the existence of the PPKS Task Force on campus is very important so it should not be ignored.

“As FPH students, we of course have to be able to try various competitions and other experiences so that we don’t always have to stay in the realm of health, because as long as we are willing to try, there will definitely be a way that will be provided. “This competition also provides new input that a healthy campus is not only physically healthy but also mentally healthy, one of which is being free from sexual violence,” concluded Nanda.

Apart from winning 2nd place in the GPA 4.0 Quiz organized by the Pinisi Law-Years Club Vol. II, Makassar State University 2024, Nanda has made a multitude of other achievements, including 1st place at UI Musabaqah Fahmil Quran (MFQ) MTQ UI 2022, 2nd place in the Scientific Infographics Poster Design Competition, 5th Community Education Week Himadiklus Universitas Riau 2023, and Harapan 1 Riau University Festival Scholar Essay Competition 2022. (ITM)