Following up on the Results of the Internal Quality Audit, FPH UI Holds a Management Review Meeting

Following up on the Internal Quality Audit that took place on September 25-26, 2023, FPH UI held a Management Review Meeting to review the results of the implementation of the quality management system and anti-bribery management system for the 2023 period.

The Management Review Meeting (RTM) took place on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, was led offline by Dean Prof. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, and attended by Vice Deans, Secretary of the Faculty, General Manager, Education Manager, Deputy General Manager and Coordinators. The meeting discussed 6 main topics, namely: 2022 external audit proposals and results, Survey of Satisfaction, Complaint Handling, Internal and External Issues, Internal Quality Audit (AMI) results and follow-up, Service improvement plan, KKAP and Cases of Alleged Violations.

Some of the internal and external issues discussed at this RTM are changes in organizational structure that impact on updating all POBs both internally and externally, adjusting Quality Objectives that combine Quality Objectives based on Performance Contract and Services (POBs) and Risk Identification adjustments that accommodate the SMAP ISO 37001: 2016 clause.

One of the excellent features of FPH UI since its participation in the selection of Integrity Zone development is the e-complaint application as a platform for customer complaints. In this RTM, it was mentioned that the e-complain application has been widely socialized again for both internal and external parties through various channels and forums. During January – September 2023, 259 complaints were received. The percentage of complainants consisted of 92% Tendik, 4% general, 3% lecturers, and 2% students. The percentage of response status to incoming complaints is 86.9% of complaints have been handled, 12.7% are being handled, and 0.4% of complaints have not been responded to.

In the presentation of the internal quality audit results, it was stated that overall the total findings in 2023 amounted to 37 findings, the majority of audit observations were 34 and there were only 3 findings that were non-conforming.

To measure the level of public satisfaction as users of services and to improve the quality of public service delivery, FPH UI in 2023 has conducted 3 surveys of satisfaction. During January-September, the resulting external satisfaction index reached 3.41, compared to 3.37 in 2022. Although it increased compared to last year, this survey still found several scores of 1 and 2, from a scale of 1 to 4. So that all service providers in the faculty are expected to be determined that there are no more such scores in the future, at least the score must be 3. “The survey results are valuable information that we cannot respond defensively, because it helps us focus on the parts that need to be improved,” said the Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs of FPH UI, Dr. Asih Setiarini in response to respondents who still gave low assessment scores in a small number of survey questions.

The results of the satisfaction survey will also be socialized to all parties in FPH UI in the year-end plenary, so that all parties are aware of the position and expectations of users of the services provided by FPH UI.

The last RTM discussion is the Anti-Bribery Compliance Commission (KKAP) which is tasked to handle cases of alleged misconduct. KKAP is a commission formed as a prerequisite for the implementation of the anti-bribery management system at FPH UI. KKAP was established in 2022 and has handled 2 cases of alleged misconduct at the faculty level. The results of the internal quality audit recommend legal renewal of KKAP due to changes in the team and scope of work that are not only related to anti-bribery (sfc).

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