Forming Synergy and Collaborative Networks, FPH UI Actively Participates in UI I-GOV Expo 2023

Universitas Indonesia (UI) Industry-Government (I-Gov) Expo 2023 took place at the Universitas Indonesia Hall on 5 -6 December 2023. UI I-Gov Expo 2023 is an activity initiated by the UI Cooperation Directorate which is carried out to realize the pentahelix cooperation involving academic partners, government, society, media, and industry. This activity aims to form synergy and collaboration between related parties in encouraging the nation’s prosperity through innovation in digitalization and building strong networks as a foundation for encouraging Indonesia’s prosperity. The I-Gov UI Expo event consists of a series of seminars, exhibitions, and awarding.

FPH UI participated in the UI I-Gov Epo 2023 event which had the theme “Synergy and Collaboration to Promote People’s Welfare Through Digitalization” by opening a booth. Manager of Cooperation, Alumni Relations and Ventures FPH UI, Prof. Indri Hapsari Susilowati, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D., sees the UI I-Gov Expo as a good opportunity for FPH UI. “FPH UI participated in the UI I-Gov Expo exhibition with the aim of forming synergies and collaborative networks with all pentahelix partners involved. “Apart from that, FPH UI can be better known through research results, community service, innovations in public health and this is one of the media for branding FPH UI,” said Prof. Indri.

FPH UI participated to show the research and products available at FPH UI. These products include posters, brochures, and module books from the FPH UI Community Health Services and Dedication Institute (LPPKM) as well as information about study programs at FPH UI. (wrk)