FPH UI Hosts the XXI ISMKMI National Conference and the 1st Public Health Summit

The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia hosted the 1st Public Health Summit held by the Public Health Student Senate Association (ISMKMI) in the Hall of Building A FPH UI on June 1, 2024. This activity was a series of the XXI ISMKMI National Conference which with the theme “Where to Land Public Health Next?” attended by all representatives from 4 ISMKMI regions in Indonesia. The National Conference invited the Main Director of BPJS Health RI, Prof. Dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Director General of Public Health of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. Endang Sumiwi, M.P.H.; and Deputy Chair of Commission IX DPR RI, Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena as key speaker. Also present were other expert speakers, namely Rheinatus A. Beresaby, S.E., M.Hum (Trainer Box of Thinking), Iman Mahaputra Zein (Communication Manager Stop TB Partnership Indonesia), and Manik Marganamahendra, S.K.M. as General Chair of IYCTC.

FPH UI Student Affairs Manager, Dien Anshari, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D. In his speech he expressed his hope, “The theme presented was very interesting regarding the future struggle for public health. Of course, the struggle of public health fighters will be increasingly difficult and full of challenges, so friends must be able to answer what the condition of public health in Indonesia will be like in the future. “If the government has a vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045, then public health fighters have a vision of making Indonesia Golden with Public Health being loved by the people,” said Dien Anshari, Ph.D.

Main Director of BPJS Health RI, Prof. Dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D., gave a discussion about the National Social Security System (SJSN). SJSN is a national program to provide employment social security which includes Old Age Security (JHT), Pension Security (JP), Work Accident Insurance (JKK), and Death Security (JKm), as well as social health security in the form of National Health Insurance (JKN). The implementation of JKN in the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) has the function of improving the quality of health services, encouraging increased promotive and preventive efforts, and is supported by innovation

and use of technology. “BPJS Health has become the organizer of the JKN program which is recognized for carrying out very effective promotions through the ISSA Good Practice Awards,” said Prof. Ali Gufron. “BPJS’s main task is to guarantee access for UKP (Individual Health Enterprises) including promotional and preventive activities. However, there are still obstacles currently, how to measure performance for public health for incentives. “So, we hope that colleagues can provide and answer these problems as their next public health task,” added Prof. Ali Ghufron.

Furthermore, the Director General of Public Health of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. Endang Sumiwi, M.P.H., provided a discussion regarding the huge role of public health in the future. “After the pandemic, the Ministry of Health learned something that it is not enough to just respond to health problems that occur. Health problems can be resolved if everyone participates in it. “So, by establishing health transformation, there are fundamental changes to the 6 pillars in the current health transformation,” said Dr. Endang. “Currently, health promotion is still a challenge, especially regarding local wisdom which we feel is very difficult to reach. To be able to know and understand the meaning of health in society, we hope that friends in public health can answer by exploring and working through new technologies that exist now. “Promotive activities are very important in responding to challenges regarding health control,” he added.

ISMKMI was founded by FPH University of Indonesia, Diponegoro University, University of North Sumatra, Airlangga University, and Hasanuddin University on December 24, 1991. ISMKMI is divided into 4 organizational working areas, namely Region I which consists of Sumatra, Riau Islands, and Bangka Belitung; Region II consisting of DKI Jakarta, West Java, Banten and Kalimantan; Region III consisting of Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, NTT and NTB; and Region IV which consists of Sulawesi, Ambon and Irian Jaya.

The series of ISMKMI XXI activities consists of the National Conference, Public Health Consultation, 1st Public Health Summit, and the World No Tobacco Day Campaign. “The Public Health Summit is a follow-up to the Public Health Consultation and National Conference, where there were recommendations from Public Health students for Public Health policy, especially regarding the professionalism of Public Health in the future. So, this Public Health Summit activity is an audience that brings together relevant stakeholders to convey the results of the deliberations and recommendations that we have made. “One of the final outputs is the Public Health Charter which we will release,” explained Nadhir Wardana, ISMKMI XXI Steering Committee. (ITM)