FPH UI Postgraduate Students Hold Capacity Building with the Theme “Great Leader, Great Influencer”

A public health expert must have strong leadership skills so that he can have a big influence on society. For this reason, Postgraduate students at the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a Capacity Building with the theme “Great Leader, Great Influencer” on Thursday, December 7, 2023. The Capacity Building which was attended by FPH UI postgraduate students was held in a hybrid manner by presenting three speakers.

Cholidi Assadil Alam, an influencer, presented material on “Self Leadership”. According to Cholidi, to be a great leader, we must be able to lead ourselves first. In leading yourself, several specific abilities are needed, such as self-control, time management, big goals, personal values, and the ability to focus on developing yourself. “Now we live in an era of distraction and disruption. “Every one of us is obliged to always upgrade and update ourselves,” said Cholidi. He also emphasized the importance of networking to improve leadership.

Furthermore, Syaifoel Hardy, CEO of Nursing Trainer explained the “CAPABLE Model of Leadership Style in Healthcare Trends and Challenges in the Next Decade”. The leadership styles commonly used today are a combination of transformational, transactional, laissez-faire, ethical, affiliative, and coaching styles. Syaifoel then introduced the CAPABLE leadership style, which is an acronym for Charm, Able, Productive, Adaptable, Broad-minded, Leading, and Endurance. ”CAPABLE is the leadership style most often applied in health services. “Apart from that, a leader in the health services sector must also be dynamic,” said Syaifoel.

Meanwhile, Professor of FPH UI, Prof. Dr. Purnawan Junadi, M.P.H., Ph.D., presented the material “Strategic Leadership and Systems Thinking in Practice”. Systems thinking includes four elements, namely mental models, personal mastery, shared vision, and team learning. These systems thinking teaches that to solve a problem, it is necessary to look at the structure and not the behavior. “For example, in the case of stunting. The first thing to look at is the systemic structure, what are the overall drivers of stunting? Then look at the behavior pattern, what is the pattern of stunting? And finally, look at what happened, who are the children who are stunted? “It must be looked for and treated,” explained Prof. Retired. According to him, systems thinking also needs to be applied to meet organizational needs in solving problems, determining solutions, and predicting the organization’s sustainability in the future.

Through his remarks, the Dean of FPH UI, Prof. Dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., expressed his hope that this capacity building would be implemented. “The hope is that today’s Capacity Building can provide the capabilities needed to become influential leaders in realizing health transformation in Indonesia,” said Prof. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc. (WR)