FPH UI Receives Comparative Study Visit for Integrity Zone Development from Halu Oleo University

The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI), as one of the work units under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology which has held the title of Zone of Integrity (ZI) Free from Corruption (WBK) since 2021, has responsibilities, one of which is to share good practices implemented with other work units currently undergoing ZI-WBK development. On Tuesday, December 5, 2023, FPH UI received a comparative study visit for ZI-WBK Development from the Halu Oleo University Postgraduate Program (PPs-UHO).

A total of 10 visiting participants hoped to learn the good practices implemented by FPH UI during the ZI-WBK development as a benchmark for implementing the ZI WBK development in the UHO PPs environment. Present from FPH UI were the Dean, Prof. Mondastri K. Sudaryo; Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration, Dr. Milla Herdayati; Inspirational figure for the development of ZI FPH UI, Prof. Sabarinah, along with representatives from each lever. “Through the visit that FPH UI received, FPH not only shared ZI-WBK good practices but also reviewed our ZI-WBBM preparations which we will continue to improve,” said the Dean of FPH UI in his speech.

Inspirational figure for the development of ZI FPH UI, Prof. Sabarinah then delivered a presentation regarding the things that were carried out in the ZI-WBK Development at FPH UI. The first time FPH UI received a mandate from UI to achieve the ZI-WBK title was when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. This pandemic period has made the role of public health increasingly widespread and prominent, one of which is FPH UI experts and lecturers who are involved in dealing with Covid-19, both in formulating policies, implementing outreach, providing input/suggestions on government programs, and so on. . “We also highlighted the involvement of FPH UI experts and lecturers in tackling Covid-19 in the presentation during the ZI-WBK assessment. “Then this becomes added value for us in this ZI assessment, because of our role as a public health institution that has an impact on society,” explained Prof. Patience.

In the ZI-WBK development, innovation is needed. Prof. Sabarinah said that innovation is not only in the form of applications, but also in other things such as a motto/jargon that can internalize the values of integrity in the work unit environment. Apart from innovation, FPH UI also formed a Faculty Service Unit (ULF) to support the development of ZI at FPH UI. ULF then becomes the main gateway for the integration of receiving service requests.

“Halu Oleo University Postgraduate Program (PPs-UHO) is improving itself to improve governance and academic services towards a superior university that is free of corruption, through developing corruption-free zones and developing integrity zones. With a visit to FPH UI and an explanation from Prof. “Hopefully this Sabarinah can lead us to follow in FPH’s footsteps in receiving the ZI-WBK title,” said Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhidin, M.Si., Head of the UHO Postgraduate ZI Team.

PPs-UHO present during this visit was the Head of the UHO Postgraduate ZI Team, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhidin, M.Sc.; Change Management, Prof. Dr. Ir. Gusti Ayu Kade Suratiati, M.Sc.; Strengthening Supervision, Dr. Nursaban Rommy Suleman, S.E., M.Si., and Dr. Dewi Nurhayati Yusuf, STP., M.Sc.; Strengthening Accountability, Dr. Zulfiah Larisu, S.Sos. M.Si., and Dr. Irianto Ibarhim., M.Pd.; Structuring the Apparatus Management System, Dr. Darnawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.; Management Arrangement, Dr. Ir. Yusnaeni, DEA., and Dr. Fahyuddin, S.Pd., M.Si.; and Strengthening the Quality of Public Services, Agustina, S.E., M.Sc. (wrk)