FPH UI Shares Undergraduate Study Program Information with Al Kahfi Bogor Islamic High School Students

“FPH UI has 4 undergraduate study programs, namely the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program, Environmental Health Undergraduate Study Program and the youngest is the Occupational Safety and Health or OSH Bachelor Study Program,” said the Education Manager of the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI), Dr. Laila Fitri, S.K.M., M.K.M., in her presentation about the general profile of FPH UI at a reception event from SMA IT Al Kahfi Bogor, Tuesday, October 3 2023.

Held in the FPH UI Doctoral Promotion Room, a total of 29 students and 2 teachers from Al Kahfi IT High School were received by 5 resource persons from FPH UI, namely the Education Manager, Dr. Laila Fitria, S.K.M., M.K.M.; Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Robiana Modjo, S.K.M., M.Kes.; Head of the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, Dr. Ir. Diah M. Utari, M.Kes.; Secretary of the Environmental Health Study Program, Dr. Al Asyary, S.K.M., M.P.H.; and Secretary of the OSH Undergraduate Study Program, Abdul Kadir, S.K.M., M.Sc.

In the study program presentation session, Dr. Robiana Modjo explained the difference between public health and medicine. “Public health deals with communities or society, and healthy people, while doctors deal with individuals and the sick,” explained Dr. Robiana.

Furthermore, Dr. Diah explained the latest nutritional issues that are often studied by FPH UI Undergraduate Nutrition students. “The issue of diet is a popular issue, especially among high school age teenagers. A healthy diet is one of the things studied in the Public Health Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program,” explained Dr. Diah in her explanation regarding the FPH UI Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program. Nutritional problems are something that must be resolved intergenerationally. This is a challenge that is present to make the Nutrition Study Program more skilled in developing and nurturing superior human resources which can later help fix nutritional problems in society.

Meanwhile, Dr. Al Asyary explained the profile of the FPH UI Environmental Health Undergraduate Study Program. Not only about the curriculum, learning activities and teaching staff, but also about the hard skills and soft skills that students need to have. “Hard skills and soft skills are equally important things to learn in environmental health, not only teaching about theories in environmental health, but lectures also teach how to become a good public speaker or writer,” said Dr. Al.

The OSH Undergraduate Program was the last undergraduate program explained to visiting students from SMA IT Al Kahfi Bogor. “The 5 pillars of FPH UI OSH science consist of occupational health, work safety, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, and human factors and behavior. These five pillars of OSH science are what you will learn when you become a student in the FPH UI OSH Undergraduate Program,” explained Abdul Kadir, S.K.M., M.Sc.

During this visit, participants from SMA IT Al Kahfi enthusiastically explored information about undergraduate study programs by asking various questions to the resource person. It is hoped that this study program presentation will further strengthen the information that students and teachers have so that they will be able to get to know FPH UI better and become a provision for determining the choice of study program in higher education later. (wrk)


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