FPH UI Wins 2 Awards at the 2023 UI Sustainable Development Goals Award

Another achievement was made by the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) in the UI Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Award 2023 event organized by the UI Transformation, Risk Management and Evaluation Monitoring (TREM) Bureau. The award was received on Monday, 30 October 2023 at the Swissotel Jakarta PIK Avenue Hotel. The award was given to coincide with the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings consignment meeting.

The two awards are FPH UI as the first winner of Best Data SDGs and the first winner of Best Microsite SDGs. UI SDGs Awards 2023 is an award event for the Universitas Indonesia in THE Impact Rankings 2024 ranking which is given to Faculties/Schools/Vocations and Work Units in the University Administration Center that have collected progress report data containing 17 SDGs indicators. Both awards were handed over by the Head of the TREM UI Bureau, Dr. Vishnu Juwono and received by the Secretary of the Faculty of FPH UI, Nelasari, M.K.M.

A microsite is a website page that contains information on SDGs implementation that can be accessed by the public and by rating agencies. Faculties fill in data, narratives and supporting evidence according to ongoing SDGs indicators or carried out by FPH UI. The best data award was given to FPH UI because it had fulfilled the most complete and valid data according to the SDGs criteria.

“We hope that this award can be an encouragement to make more thorough preparations in the coming year to provide the best data that displays the substance of the SDGs,” concluded Nelasari.