Holding a Public Health Study Tour, FPH UI Introduces Public Health in Indonesia to 51 Australian Students

“The Public Health Study Tour (PHST) started in 2016. For us, this program is not just seminars and classes, but more of an experience of being able to discuss best practices related to public health challenges in Indonesia, experiencing a different but interesting local culture, as well as meeting new friends to enrich each other’s understanding and networking. “We hope that the participants can enjoy this activity and bring back happy memories after the program,” said Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration, FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Sc., in her speech at the opening of the Public Health Study Tour activity in Room E101, RIK UI, on January 15, 2023.

The Public Health Study Tour (PHST) is a two-week intensive program for Australian students who want to learn and gain experience in the field of public health in Indonesia. Since 2016, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) has collaborated with the Australia Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) to organize PHST. This year, PHST will be implemented again in two cities, Depok, and Yogyakarta. FPH UI itself had the opportunity to host for one week, precisely on January 15 – 20 2024.

The activities carried out include a series of interactive lectures, visits to health facilities (UI Hospital), and related organizations or communities. This provides an opportunity for participants to see firsthand how the public health system works in Indonesia and understand the complex challenges it faces. Participants were given the opportunity for field visits to 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) waste processing sites, namely TPS 3R Cipaku, TPS 3R Bondongan, TPS 3R Mekarwangi, and TPS 3R Ranggamekar. Apart from that, participants also had the opportunity to learn Indonesian language and culture through classes at LBI UI and visits to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.

PHST activities invited various speakers as seminar resource persons such as Yudi Bachrioktora, M.A.; Prof. Purnawan Junadi; Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat, M.App.Sc.; Prof. Dr. Dr. Sabarinah, M.Sc.; Bulan Samosir, Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Dr. Ratna Djuwita, M.P.H.; Dr. Dr. Tri Yunis Miko W., M.Sc.; Dr. Heru Kasidi, M.Sc.; Prof. dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Si., Ph.D.; Dr. Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan; Dr. dra. Rita Damayanti, MSPH.; Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D.; and Ahmad Syafiq, Ph.D. Seminar material covers various interesting topics related to public health in Indonesia. These topics are Introduction to Indonesia, Health system in Indonesia, Mental Health in Indonesia, DHF and Malaria Prevention, Non-Communicable Diseases in Indonesia, Neglected Diseases in Indonesia, Impact of Climate Change on Maternal and Child Health, Disaster Management in Indonesia, Population Development in Indonesia, Tobacco and Youth, Food Safety, and Stunting Updates: Indonesia Experience Stunting. Every day, participants are given the opportunity to discuss in their groups the topics discussed that day and at the end of the week, each group is required to present one of the topics that have been discussed that week.

PHST has important value for FPH UI. Inbound activities of foreign students to FPH UI such as PHST can improve academic reputation, especially for FPH UI which is currently focusing on internationalization. (wrk)