Preventing Anemia and Stunting from an Early Age, FPH UI Educates Nutrition for Kalanganyar Middle School Students, Lebak Regency

The latest data based on Riskesdas 2018 shows that around 43% of teenagers aged 13-15 years in Banten Province are classified as short and very short. This prevalence is far above the Banten Province average, namely 24.4%. Shortness of breath is a nutritional status caused by a lack of nutritional intake for a long time. Meanwhile, based on scattered research, almost half of young women in Lebak Regency suffer from anemia. Bearing this in mind, efforts are needed to improve the nutritional problems of adolescents, especially adolescent girls, because adolescent girls are prospective mothers who will determine the quality of the next generation. Adolescent girls are in the age range of accelerated growth, so nutritional education at this age is expected to provide maximum results in changes in consumption patterns and ultimately in nutritional and health status.

Department of Public Health Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI), represented by Dr. Ir. Diah M. Utari and her team, namely Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, Dr. Ir. Trini Sudiarti, Wahyu Kurnia S.K.M., M.K.M.; Latifah, S.Gz, and several students tried to develop a booklet as educational material, and provide nutrition education related to anemia and stunting directly for young women.

Nutrition education will take place on November 27, 2023 for all young women students at SMPN 3 Kalanganyar, Lebak Regency. Presenting several materials including adolescent growth, adolescent nutritional needs, symptoms, impact and prevention of anemia and chronic energy deficiency (CED) for adolescents as well as the impact of anemia and CED on pregnant women and their babies.

During the educational process, questions and answers were conducted with the young women. From the questions and answers, data was obtained that only a third of students regularly eat breakfast before going to school for reasons of not having time, being lazy and not being used to it. Apart from that, animal food intake is not consumed at every meal. Education on the Principles of Balanced Nutrition is provided so that female students are aware of the impact of deficiencies and the importance of consuming balanced nutrition as teenagers. The Lebak District Health Service routinely provides TTD (blood supplement tablets) once a week at schools, but not all female students want to consume the TTD which is given due to the unpleasant taste and smell of TTD, not feeling the need for it and the side effects that arise such as black stools and constipation. Therefore, this education also explains that the effects that arise after drinking TTD are not dangerous and TTD must be taken because it has very good long-term effects. Female students are asked to pay attention to their intake because currently they are still in a period of rapid growth. Balanced and varied consumption will prevent them from anemia and CED, so that if one day they get married and become pregnant, their nutritional status and health will be in optimal condition and they can give birth to healthy babies and grow into intelligent children. Stunting, if not treated early, will have cross-generational impacts, so it is feared that the golden generation in 2045 will not be achieved.

Nutrition education activities begin with a pre-test and end with a post-test regarding the material provided. The educational activity was considered successful because there was an increase in the nutritional knowledge score of 52%. This education was carried out for the first time at SMPN 3 Kalanganyar, so the enthusiasm of the female students was very high when the activity took place.

This nutrition education activity was welcomed by the Head of Kalanganyar Subdistrict, Bayu Hadiyana T., S.IP., M.Sc., who stated that handling stunting should not only focus on toddlers, but should start from an early age, especially on young women, because they must understand a balanced nutritious diet and how to prevent anemia and CED. Principal of SMPN 3 Kalanganyar Uus Sukmana, M.Pd., was also very enthusiastic about this activity so that students always drink the TTD provided and improve their diet.