Receiving a Visit from SMA Negeri 1 Pariaman Students, FPH UI Explains Public Health Science

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from 29 students from SMA Negeri 1 Pariaman, whose aim was to find out more clearly about public health science, learning activities and entrance selection. Visiting participants were received in the FPH UI Doctoral Promotion Room. Present as a resource person was the Academic Manager of FPH UI, Dr. Laila Fitria, S.K.M., M.K.M.; Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Robiana Modjo, S.K.M., M.Kes.; Head of the Nutrition Department, FPH UI, Dr. Ir. Trini Sudiarti, M.Kes.; Secretary of the FPH UI Environmental Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Al Asyary, S.K.M., M.P.H., as well as the Secretary of the FPH UI Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Undergraduate Study Program, Abdul Kadir, S.K.M., M.Sc.

“FPH UI currently has an admission route for regular classes, namely through SNBP, SNBT and SIMAK as well as an admission route for non-regular classes through SIMAK and PPKB,” explained Dr. Laila explained the selection path for new FPH UI student admissions. In addition to the admission route, Dr. Laila also explained about the general profile of FPH UI, education costs, learning methods, facilities and student activities in general. Furthermore, explanations related to study programs were delivered by resource persons from each study program.

Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Robiana Modjo, explained the differences between public health science and medicine which is better known to students. “Public health studies how to keep healthy people healthy or what is usually called preventative. “Meanwhile, medicine studies how to cure sick people so they become healthy or what is usually called curative,” said Dr. Robiana.

In the explanation regarding the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, Dr. Trini conveyed the latest issues regarding nutrition, especially for teenagers. “The problem of an unbalanced diet can be detrimental to nutritional status, especially in teenagers, this can have an impact on nutritional problems across generations, especially if experienced by young women,” said Dr. Trini. The Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program strives to produce graduates who can analyze and provide interventions to handle nutritional problems in society.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Environmental Health (KL) Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Al Asyary, conveyed the S1 KL profile. “Environmental Health studies how the environment affects our personal health,” said Dr. Al. Information about the curriculum, courses, field learning experience activities, and internship activities for KL undergraduate students was also explained by Dr. Al.

Furthermore, Abdul Kadir, M.Sc., explained about the youngest undergraduate study program owned by FPH UI, the S1 OSH Study Program. OSH FPH UI is the first OSH study program in Indonesia. “OSH plays an important role in reducing the risk of work accidents and keeping workers healthy,” said Abdul Kadir.

Apart from the presentation of the material, a question-and-answer session was held where the students were very enthusiastic in asking various questions. These include questions about achievements that can be used as support when selecting to enter UI, job prospects for graduates, the process of determining education costs, and school rankings. (wrk)