Refreshing Information on the Implementation of Official Manuscripts and Archives, FPH UI Holds a Workshop for Educational Staff

The Universitas Indonesia Official Documents System is a reference for managing written information which includes setting the type, format, preparation, security, validation, distribution, and storage of official documents, as well as the media used in official duties. The Official Document Procedure (TND) of the Universitas Indonesia is stipulated through the Universitas Indonesia Chancellor’s Regulation Number 19 of 2022 concerning the Official Document Procedure. The TND guidelines regulate in more detail regarding the technicalities of publishing official documents in accordance with the provisions applicable within the Universitas Indonesia.

The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) as a faculty that has received ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System always strives to implement good governance in public services, including correspondence and archival services. The importance of implementing Official Documents and Archives Management is the reason for holding a Workshop on Official Documents and Archives Management on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. Held in PA Room 209, Building A RIK UI, the workshop was attended by the Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si., and attended by educational staff from each Work Unit, Department, Pokdi, Study Program, Journal, as well as Work Subunit Coordinators. Present as resource persons at this workshop were the Archives Development Coordinator of the UI Archives Office, Agustinus Bayu Setyawan, S.Hum.; as well as 2 UI Archives Office staffs, Rian Windarsih and Anggani Mayang Calista.

Dian Prananda Wardhani, S.S., Coordinator of the General Administration Subunit of FPH UI, started the workshop with a presentation regarding the implementation of TND at FPH UI as an illustration for resource persons. He conveyed several things related to identifying TND suitability, letter numbering, letter initials, letter signing, position sequence, as well as the official document process that will occur at FPH UI during 2023.

Furthermore, Agustinus Bayu Setyawan explained material related to UI Official Manuscripts. The material explains manual service documents and electronic service documents, types of service documents, forms of service documents, differences between service letters and service documents. “An official letter is an official document for carrying out an official’s duties in conveying official information to other parties outside the University of Indonesia. In other words, official letters are created for external correspondence. “Meanwhile, official documents are made for internal correspondence within UI,” explained Bayu.

Apart from that, Bayu also delivered material related to the numbering of official documents, authority to sign external correspondence and initials, provisions for official stamps and signatures, electronic official documents, and control of official documents. “Controlling official documents includes recording, distribution and disposition activities,” said Bayu.

Not only the presentation of material, but this workshop also held quizzes and practice sessions on making official letters which aimed to measure the knowledge of workshop participants regarding the implementation of the Official Document Procedure. (wrk)