Sharing Good Practices for ZI Development, FPH UI Receives a Visit from FMIPA UPI Bandung

Tuesday, December 19, 2023, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from 10 members of the Integrity Zone (ZI) development team from FMIPA Indonesian Education University (UPI) Bandung. The UPI ZI Team is led by the Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration, Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Sc. The visit aims to gather information as benchmarking material in the construction of the Integrity Zone, which is being carried out by FMIPA UPI Bandung in 2023.

“The goal of developing an Integrity Zone is quality service, in accordance with the mandate of the law. If we observe, the difference between Corruption Free Areas (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) is that in ZI WBK we focus on efforts to control gratification. “Meanwhile at WBBM, the biggest focus and weight is on quality services,” explained the Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration, FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si., started the good practice sharing session.

Furthermore, Dr. Milla said that at the beginning of the construction of the Integrity Zone, shortly after the launch of FPH UI in mid-2020, four teams were formed. The four teams are a team from the TREM UI Bureau, the FPH UI Integrity Zone team which consists of a combination of lecturers and staff who are tasked with managing 6 (six) areas of change. The other two teams are the change agent team (consisting of lecturers, staff, and professors), and the next most important is the Survey team.

So that the duties as an Integrity Zone team do not feel like additional duties, the duties of each area are aligned with their respective main tasks and functions. For example, lever area 3, which oversees HR management, is mandated to the HR Coordinator. Likewise for other leverage areas.

The visit received by the Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration, FPH UI, Faculty Secretary, Manager of Cooperation, Alumni Relations and Ventures, Deputy General Manager, as well as representatives of each area of change was fluid and interactive. The ZI FMIPA UPI team enthusiastically asked about the things they were facing and what tips had been implemented at FPH UI regarding various things such as LHKPN, controlling gratuities, handling complaints, intimation and internalization, agents of change, etc.

The Deputy Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration, FMIPA UPI said that the mandate for the construction of the Integrity Zone that was received required a lot of time to learn to meet the requirements and practice in the field. “FMIPA UPI has only started developing the Integrity Zone since 2023. Initially it was the Social Sciences Faculty, then in 2023 there must be other faculties that come forward. So, the University asked other Faculties to initiate and fill out the LKE. The highest score in LKE results was obtained by FMIPA. There is still a lot of confusion, so we have to be willing and learn a lot. “Apart from building the Integrity Zone, we also want to learn about handling the field of cooperation,” said Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Sc.

Through this visit, the UPI FMIPA Integrity Zone team who was present along with the Deputy Dean, namely Prof. Ida Kurniawati (Change Management Coordinator), Dr. Elah Nurlaelah (Administration Coordinator), Hana Susanti, S.Pd.; Saepul Anwar, AMD.; Cepi Junadi, Ela Margalena, M.Pd.; Agnia Mufliasih, S.Sc.; Nugi Dwi Yanwar, S.Pd., and Erwin Edwar Riswandi, hope that this visit will be beneficial and provide adequate insight into the development of ZI in their institutions. (sf)