The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Introduces the Health Law to the FPH UI Academic Community

Inviting the Indonesian Minister of Health, Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC., CLU., Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a public lecture entitled “Getting to know more about Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health” on Saturday, November 11, 2023 in a mixed manner. The Health Law, namely Law Number 17 of 2023, is a regulation where the government emphasizes health facilities to be able to serve patients more efficiently and implement transparent and effective financing for health facilities.

“The correct concept of health is public health where public health promotes healthy life and preventive action. “It’s the same with the Faculty of Public Health, where the experts also play an important role in advocating for the government to make Indonesian public health more advanced,” said the Minister of Health, starting his material.

One of the efforts made by the government in its own health transformation efforts includes the release of 6 pillars of health transformation, namely primary services, referral services, health resilience systems, health financing systems, health human resources, and health technology. The Minister of Health stated that the implementation strategy for health system transformation consists of several programs, namely revitalization, standardization, and digitalization of primary services. “Primary service revitalization will be carried out through Puskesmas, Posyandu, Pustu, and below. “There will be standardization in health services that will be accepted by the community,” said Budi Gunadi.

Digitalization itself will be seen in changes in the form of printed media to digital form, especially in recording and inputting health data in the community. This will make it easier to search for public health data. The government has created a platform, namely SATUSEHAT, which allows the public to access health data anytime and anywhere.

The next program is promotional. Health promotion education is considered the best to be carried out from an early age. The health curriculum has now been incorporated into education from early childhood education (PAUD) to junior high school (SMA) with material adjusted according to education level. In addition, health promotion must be carried out in an inclusive manner. “Health promotion activities cannot be carried out alone because they are inclusive and require contributions and movements from all elements of society. “A good movement is one that has ownership in the community,” added Budi Gunadi.

Preventive and screening programs are also the focus of revitalization. The Minister of Health explained that all diseases that cause a large number of deaths must have clear preventive measures.

Through his explanation, the Minister of Health provided insight that there are several important points in the Health Law: from a focus on treatment to a focus on prevention and from a fragmented information system to one that is integrated through one platform.

The public lecture was held in the framework of the Intermediate Public Health Course for postgraduate program students, namely Master in Epidemiology, Master in Hospital Administration Studies, Master in Occupational Safety and Health and was attended by participants of the Annual Scientific Forum of the Indonesian Association of Public Health Experts (IAKMI). (IT/wrk)


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