Two FPH UI Students Win 3rd Place in the Essay Competition at the 2023 IOSH Summit

Another achievement was made by FPH UI students. Hikmat Taufiqurrohman Sukmana and Muhammad Aditya Kamallah are Regular Bachelor of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) students who have made achievements at the 2023 International Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Summit as 3rd place in the Essay Competition. The 2023 IOSH Summit will be held again on 20-22 October 2023 at Sebelas Maret State University with the theme “Multi-level Strategic Deployment Model that is Aligned with SDGs 2030 to create a Safe and Healthy Work Environment in the Era of Industrial Revolution 5.0”.

The topic of discussion of the essay presented by Hikmat and Aditya came from awareness of the artificial intelligence (AI) trend which has encompassed the corporate world and is even widely used in OSH systems. Examples include innovations in machine control which will automatically turn off the system if it is indicated that there is a problem with it and CCTV which is used to assess worker compliance. Based on this trend, the idea emerged from these two FPH UI OSH students to be able to integrate everything these companies have into one tool called the Artificial Intelligence Integrated Safety and Health System (AIISHS) as the use of AI to optimize the OSH Management System (SMOSH) at the company.

The idea given was also motivated by data from several companies that have implemented SMOSH. These data show that there is a decrease in the implementation of SMOSH compared to 2022, resulting in an increase in KAK (Work-related Accidents) and PAK (Occupational Diseases).

The essay competition event at the IOSH Summit was the first to be participated in by Hikmat and Aditya. Even though they experienced obstacles, they were able to face and overcome them. “Having the motivation to keep going is the biggest encouragement to be able to start and do everything. Just try, first, because if we try, the probability will be fifty-fifty. “Meanwhile, if you don’t try at all, the probability is definitely zero,” said Hikmat.

Hikmat and Aditya are also optimistic that the ideas created can develop and can be implemented as a contribution to the development of SMOSH in Indonesia. (ITM)