Students, as the early adult group, are the highest users of social media, and at the same time, they have a relatively high prevalence of social media disorders. This issue is also experienced by students at the Universitas Indonesia (UI). A recent study in 2021 revealed that 17.4% of FPH UI students from the 2018-2020 cohort experienced social media disorder (SMD). The high rate of social media disorders could significantly impact students’ mental health.
Addressing this issue, Tiara Amelia researched the “Healthy Social Media Use (SBS)” intervention model, a modification of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). On Thursday, July 4, 2024, Tiara presented her dissertation at the Doctoral Promotion session at the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) UI.
The SBS model provides interventions in the form of cognitive inputs through the provision of comprehensive and adequate information as well as good cognitive skills. In this intervention model, cognitive inputs are delivered through a 4-day training on “Healthy Social Media Use,” two group counseling sessions, and daily WhatsApp messages over three weeks, aiming to raise awareness among students to prevent SMD. This awareness will influence belief systems and motivation, which in turn affects the intention and behavior of social media use. Behaviors that lead to SMD can be assessed by the duration of social media use, the number of active accounts, and the SMD questionnaire scores.
From the research conducted, the prevalence of SMD among UI students was found to be 25%. This study used a Quasi-Experimental design, initially measuring variables such as the duration of social media use, the number of active accounts, SMD scores, the need to belong, self-regulation, attitudes, and SMD scores of students. These variables were then measured again after the intervention with the SBS model. The results showed that the SBS intervention model could reduce SMD scores by 2 points and reduce the effects of SMD by 19%. Therefore, Tiara recommends that the University of Indonesia and other educational institutions adopt the online “Healthy Social Media Use” intervention model as a preventive measure for social media disorders among students.
“Social media is now a reality, along with its risks. FPH UI, as an educational institution, should indeed have concerns regarding this issue. Thank you, Tiara, for choosing this topic for your research and for your diligent efforts in completing this dissertation,” said Prof. Dr. dra. Evi Martha M.Kes., the Promotor, in her speech.
Tiara Amelia successfully defended her dissertation in front of the examining committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Besral, S.K.M., M.Sc., with Dr. Ade Iva Murty, M.Si., as Co-Promotor, and Prof. Dr. Bagus Takwin, M.Hum.; Dien Anshari, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D.; Dr. dr. Tiara Anindhita, Sp.S (K); and Dr. dr. Irmansyah, Sp.KJ (K) as the Examining Committee. Tiara earned her Doctorate in Public Health Sciences (IKM) and is the 31st doctoral graduate in Public Health Sciences in 2024, the 327th PhD graduate in Public Health Sciences, and the 419th doctoral graduate at FPH UI. (WR)