The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) achieved the third-best entity award at UI based on the results of the 2024 Internal Archival Supervision. The award was presented by the UI Archive Office during the 2024 Internal Archival Supervision Monitoring event, held on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in the 9th-floor Meeting Room of the UI Rectorate Building.
Internal Archival Supervision is an annual agenda aimed at ensuring the availability and usefulness of archives, supporting the realization of organizational/agency performance accountability, and ultimately preserving the collective memory of the nation.
The internal archival supervision covered 34 supervision objects across the Faculty of Public Health. The supervision process was carried out through the completion of forms and uploading evidence independently by the processing units or archival units of the faculty. This year’s supervision focused on follow-up actions taken based on the evaluation results from 2023, in line with the levels determined by the UI Archive Office. These levels are as follows:
- Level 0: No evidence of corrective action for the recommendations.
- Level 1: Evidence of initiation or preparation for corrective action, such as email or message notifications (WhatsApp/Telegram, etc.).
- Level 2: Evidence of a corrective action plan in the form of an RKA, ToR, RAB, or approved planning documents.
- Level 3: 1) Evidence of feedback from relevant parties in the form of official correspondence or response documents; or 2) Recommendations implemented but underlying issues remain unresolved.
- Level 4: Evidence that corrective action has been implemented according to the targeted issue, or quantitatively achieved less than 100%.
- Level 5: Evidence that corrective action has been fully implemented according to the targeted issue.
The next stage of internal supervision involves verification by the supervisors and the opportunity to provide responses during the objection period.
Based on the internal supervision results, FPH UI achieved the third-best award as an entity at the University of Indonesia with a score of 4.47. In addition to the faculty-level award, FPH UI’s Finance Subunit received recognition as the best-performing finance processing unit, and the PPF Subunit was acknowledged as the best-performing facility processing unit. This achievement was met with appreciation from the faculty leadership. “Congratulations to all the processing units and the archival work unit at FPH UI for this remarkable award. May this bring blessings to us all,” said Prof. Mondastri K. Sudaryo, Dean of FPH UI.
The internal archival supervision at FPH UI took place from March 18 to April 2, 2024, for self-assessment and evidence upload, followed by field verification by the supervisory team from April 22 to April 26, 2024. (sf)