Hospitals are an integral part of a social and health organization that provides comprehensive services, both in the treatment of diseases (curative) and the prevention of diseases (preventive) to the public. The performance of hospital services, particularly those that are Public Service Agencies (BLU), is measured through two main sub-aspects: service quality and its benefits to the community. In the context of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program, hospital performance also plays a crucial role in achieving participant satisfaction, which is the responsibility of all stakeholders. This satisfaction depends on the ability of healthcare facilities to meet service expectations, which can only be achieved if the operations of hospitals partnering with BPJS Kesehatan are efficient and effective.
This was conveyed by Fadlul Imansyah during his doctoral promotion session on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at the FPH UI Doctoral Promotion Room. In the open session, which was attended by Prof. Dr. Amal C. Sjaaf, S.K.M., Ph.D., as his Promotor, the promovendus defended his dissertation titled “Analysis of the Relationship Between the Financial Performance of Private Profit Hospitals and the Service Performance of National Health Insurance Program Participants for the Period 2017-2022.”
Fadlul explained that the theoretical implications of this research include several important aspects in the context of hospital management and health studies. “First, the findings highlight the complexity of the relationship between financial performance, service quality, and patient revenue contribution in the context of public hospitals serving National Health Insurance participants. Furthermore, the findings provide insights into how external conditions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can affect the financial performance and service quality of hospitals,” Fadlul said. The promovendus also recommended that hospital management should consider the varying financial conditions among public hospitals. The decrease in the number of hospitals, increased liabilities, as well as fluctuations in income and operational costs, significantly impact financial performance. Meanwhile, financial performance has a significant effect on the quality of services provided.
“Hospitals need to conduct a thorough evaluation of their strategies for receiving JKN patients to ensure that increasing patient contributions does not negatively impact financial performance,” Fadlul emphasized. Moreover, he stated that hospitals need to continuously improve their reporting systems for both financial and service quality to ensure that the generated data provides accurate and relevant information. Fadlul hopes that by implementing these recommendations, hospitals can improve their performance in delivering quality and sustainable healthcare services, especially for JKN participants and the broader Indonesian community.
The research conducted by the promovendus yielded satisfying results. Following discussions with the Chair of the Session, Promotor, Co-Promotor, and the examining team, which included Prof. Dr. drg. Wachyu Sulistiadi, M.A.R.S. as the Chair of the Session; Prof. Dr. Amal C. Sjaaf, S.K.M., Ph.D. as Promotor; Prof. Dr. drg. Mardiati Nadjib, M.Sc., and Prastuti Soewondo, S.E., MPH, Ph.D. as Co-Promotors; Prof. Dr. Besral, S.K.M., M.Sc. as the Head of the Examining Team; as well as the examining team consisting of Prof. Dr. dr. Fachmi Idris, M.Kes; Prof. Dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo, Akt., MBA.; Dr. Ir. Darwin Cyril Noerhadi, MBA.; and Teguh Dartanto, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D., it was decided that Promovendus Fadlul Imansyah passed and earned his Doctorate in Public Health, becoming the 40th Doctoral graduate in Public Health in 2024, the 336th Doctoral graduate in Public Health, and the 431st Doctoral graduate of FPH UI. Throughout his academic journey, the Promovendus, who currently serves as the Head of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2022-2027 period, received both material and moral support from his parents, family, and friends. This achievement marks the beginning of Fadlul’s greater contribution to the field of knowledge he specializes in. (DFD)