FPH UI Hosts 2024 External Overview and Validation for West Java Regional AIPTKMI

Nutrition-related issues are one of the challenges in Health Development in Indonesia, especially stunting. Stunting itself is a growth and development disorder in children due to chronic malnutrition. This issue has become a government priority that must be addressed promptly in Indonesia. In future policy-making, the government requires accurate and valid data as a reference. One of the sources of this data will be obtained through the 2024 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI).

To be conducted in 38 provinces and 514 districts/cities across Indonesia, the objective of this survey is to obtain an accurate picture of the nutritional status of toddlers, including stunting, wasting, underweight, and obesity, as well as to measure the achievement of the target for accelerating the reduction of stunting prevalence.

Through SSGI, data will be collected on various factors influencing the nutritional status of toddlers, including breastfeeding/complimentary feeding, immunization, infectious diseases, pregnancy and childbirth history, environmental health, and maternal nutritional status. The 2024 SSGI will prioritize accurate data with high validity levels. Therefore, this survey involves health experts from various universities and external validity teams to maintain the quality of the data by assessing the validity of the results produced.

The Indonesian Association of Public Health Higher Education Institutions (AIPTKMI) plays a role as one of the external validity teams for the 2024 SSGI. AIPTKMI collaborates with the Ministry of Health to serve as the survey validation team, involving Public Health educational institutions that are members of AIPTKMI. The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), as one of AIPTKMI’s members, hosted the 2024 SSGI Overview and External Validation for the West Java region. Held over three days from October 17 to 19, 2024, this event, attended by eight participants, took place in the B 206C Meeting Room at FPH UI.

“The government has set a national target of reducing stunting prevalence to 14 percent by 2024. Therefore, stunting is an issue that is being discussed everywhere and requires serious efforts to address. Especially with the results of the SSGI, which often surprise various parties in the regions. With the sampling adjusted to the Riskesdas (Basic Health Research), the results of this survey are always awaited. I hope that the participants who attended the training at FPH UI will gain useful knowledge and be able to teach others, especially field enumerators, how to properly and effectively collect data. This is essential in obtaining accurate and valid survey results that can be used to inform policy decisions,” said Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, M.Sc., Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs at FPH UI.

During the training, FPH UI Professor, Prof. Dr. dr. Sabarinah, M.Sc., and Lecturer from the Department of Nutrition at FPH UI, Wahyu Kurnia Yusrin Putra, S.K.M., M.Sc., served as speakers and facilitators, providing presentations and training to the participants. In this 2024 SSGI Overview and External Validation event, participants were not only presented with classroom knowledge that would be useful in the field, but they also received hands-on training on how to use the survey tools.

This survey plays a strategic role in providing accurate and quality nutritional status data, which will serve as the foundation for making appropriate health policy decisions. Therefore, the success of the 2024 SSGI implementation is highly dependent on strong support and collaboration from all stakeholders, both at the national and regional levels.