On Tuesday, January 7, 2024, Andi Surayya Mappangile, a doctoral student at the Public Health Doctoral Program, Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), presented the results of her research titled “The Relationship Between the Implementation of OHS Management System (SMK3) and OHS Performance in SMK3-Certified Companies (Government Regulation No. 50/2012) in East Kalimantan” during her doctoral promotion session. The open defense took place at the G Hall of FPH UI, chaired by the head of the examination committee, Prof. Indri Hapsari Susilowati, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D., with Promotor Prof. Doni Hikmat Ramdhan, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D., and Co-Promotor Prof. Dr. Ede Surya Darmawan, S.K.M., M.D.M.
This research used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional study design on 94 SMK3-certified companies in East Kalimantan. A total of 8,055 respondents participated in the safety climate measurement, which is a key indicator of OHS performance. This dissertation evaluated the relationship between the level of implementation of the OHS Management System (SMK3) and four OHS performance parameters, including safety climate, workplace accident rate (incidence rate), frequency rate, and severity rate.
The results of Andi Surayya Mappangile’s research revealed that the implementation of the OHS Management System (SMK3) in companies in East Kalimantan was at Level 3 (consistent). “At this level, SMK3 is systematically implemented with a consistent approach, risk control is carried out in a structured and measurable way, and integration between procedures and risk management operates across all divisions,” said Andi Surayya. However, Andi also noted that the learning system through monitoring, OHS reporting, and the improvement process has not been fully implemented, indicating the need for further efforts to achieve more optimal implementation.
The safety climate measurement in the companies generally showed positive results, with the highest scores found in the communication and innovation learning dimension (dimension 6). However, the lowest scores were observed in the dimension of worker safety prioritization and non-toleration of hazards (dimension 5). This indicates that attention to worker safety as a primary priority still needs to be strengthened. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that the highest component of SMK3 implementation was hazard control and prevention, while the lowest score was found in education and training components. “While hazard control and prevention are working well, the aspects of OHS education and training still require more attention to improve the quality of SMK3 implementation,” explained Andi Surayya.
The study found a significant relationship between the level of implementation of the OHS Management System (SMK3) and the safety climate, as well as OHS performance, including the incidence rate and frequency rate. Companies with good implementation of SMK3 showed a more positive safety climate and lower workplace accident rates. “The better the implementation of SMK3 in a company, the better the resulting OHS performance,” Andi Surayya explained. On the other hand, companies that applied SMK3 only at an ad hoc or coping level tended to have poor OHS performance, characterized by a safety climate that needed improvement and higher incidence and frequency rates.
Andi Surayya’s dissertation recommends improving the quality of SMK3 implementation by focusing on OHS education and training, enhancing communication between divisions, and ensuring that worker safety prioritization becomes an integral part of the organizational culture. “Through these measures, companies can create safer and more productive working environments, while also enhancing industrial competitiveness in East Kalimantan,” said Andi Surayya.
Following the assessment of the Chair of the Session, Promotor, Co-Promotor, and the examination committee, consisting of Prof. Dr. Dra. Dumilah Ayuningtyas, M.A.R.S.; Prof. Dr. Besral, S.K.M., M.Sc.; Dr. Iting Shofwati, S.T., M.K.K.K., HIU.; Dr. Agus Triyono, S.Si., M.Kes.; and Dr. dr. Sudi Astono, M.S., it was decided that Andi Surayya Mappangile was officially awarded a Doctorate in Public Health with very satisfactory results and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.75. Andi became the 3rd graduate of the 2025 cohort in the Public Health Doctoral Program, the 342nd graduate of the Public Health Doctoral Program, and the 443rd doctoral graduate of FPH UI. Andi’s success is also supported by her beloved family, including her husband, Dr. Ir. H. A. M. Isradi Zainal, who is also the Rector of Balikpapan University.
Prof. Doni Hikmat Ramdhan, the Promotor, expressed appreciation for the dedication of the promovendus in completing her research. “Congratulations on the degree. Dr. Andi’s research addresses a very relevant issue in the current workplace, especially regarding the implementation of SMK3, which should be the solution to workplace accidents. However, many problems are still found, making this topic essential for continued research,” said Prof. Doni. (DFD)