Tarhib Ramadan FPH UI 1446 Hijriah: Sowing Goodness, Building Mental and Physical Health

In welcoming the holy month of Ramadan 1446 Hijri, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) organized a Tarhib Ramadan event with the theme “Cultivating Kindness, Building Spiritual and Physical Well-being.” This event aimed to encourage the entire FPH UI community to prepare for this blessed month with a spirit of faith and integrity.

“The holy month of Ramadan is a very special moment for all of us, a month full of blessings and forgiveness. The theme we have chosen, ‘Cultivating Kindness, Building Spiritual and Physical Well-being,’ reminds us of the importance of maintaining a balance between worship and health, both physically and spiritually. Hopefully, through this event, we can better prepare ourselves to welcome Ramadan with pure hearts and strong faith. Let us make this holy month a time for reflection and self-improvement. May this Ramadan bring blessings to us all and further strengthen our faith and integrity in every step of our lives,” said the Vice Dean for Human Resources, Ventures, and General Administration of FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si., in her opening remarks.

On this special occasion, KH. M. Yusran Shidqi, Lc., M.A., the Leader of Al Hikam Islamic Boarding School in Depok, was present to deliver an inspiring tausiyah (religious lecture). He emphasized the importance of treating something with care and special attention to truly appreciate and love it. “The same applies to Ramadan; this holy month must be honored and treated with full faith and sincerity. By doing so, we can experience the profound meaning of fasting and other acts of worship,” he said.

KH. Yusran Shidqi highlighted that fasting, which is often perceived as an external burden, is actually a blessing granted by Allah SWT. He illustrated this with a simple daily act—drinking water. Normally, drinking water is an ordinary activity, but when breaking the fast, even a sip of water becomes an extraordinary blessing. Ramadan teaches us that what is ordinary can become special, while what is special can become ordinary in the balance of life.

More than just abstaining from food and drink, fasting in Ramadan should be a valuable lesson for every individual. KH. M. Yusran Shidqi reminded the audience that our life orientation in this world should always be guided by the vision of the afterlife. Therefore, everything we do must be carried out with faith and integrity. By maintaining sincerity in worship and conduct, we can build strong spiritual and physical well-being and become better individuals.

The Tarhib Ramadan event at FPH UI was a meaningful moment to welcome Ramadan. It is hoped that the spirit of cultivating kindness and building well-being will be sustained throughout the holy month and beyond. By treating Ramadan as something special, we will be better able to embrace the blessings and wisdom contained within it. (wrk)