Head of Department : Dr. drg. Ririn Arminsih Wulandari, M.Kes.
Secretary of Department : Dr. Budi Hartono, S.Si., M.K.M.
The basis of Environmental Health Science is to identify, measure, analyze, assess, predict the potential/hazards of various exposures in the environment, and carry out control in aim to prevent and protect public health and ecosystems.
Environmental Health Science studies the dynamic interactions of various exposures or environmental agents (physical, radiation, chemical, biological, and exposure behavior) through air, water, waste, food, vectors or disease-carrying animals, and humans in residential environments, workplaces or schools, public places or travel with the risk of health impacts (disease events) on groups of people or communities.
Teaching, research, and community engagement activities in the Department of Environmental Health are carried out according to concentrations in seven fields of science: air pollution, water pollution, vectors and disease-carrying animals, food contamination, environmental toxicology, environmental health epidemiology, and environmental health risk analysis.
To be a center of excellence for education, scientific development, research and service to humanity in the field of Environmental Health at both national and international levels (Southeast Asia).
Phone : +6221-7863479
E-mail : keslingfkmui@gmail.com / dept.kesling.fkm@gmail.com
Address : Building C, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia,