Bachelor of Environmental Health

Ketua Program Studi        : Dr. Ema Hermawati, S.Si., M.K.M.

Sekretaris Program Studi : Dr. Al Asyary, S.K.M., M.P.H


The establishment of a Bachelor’s degree program in Environmental Health is inseparable from the history of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia (UI). Since the commencement, there has been one undergraduate study program at the faculty that is Bachelor’s degree program in Public Health in which the study program comprises several areas of interest including Environmental Health. Furthermore, to face challenges in scientific development and the need to cope with many more complex environmental health problems, the Environmental Health major was then developed into a separate undergraduate study program, with graduates holding the Sarjana Kesehatan Lingkungan/SKL academic title. The study program was established based on the Decree of UI Rector No.1942/SK/R/UI/2013 concerning the Permit to Organize the Environmental Health Studies Program, Regular Undergraduate Education Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia. Furthermore, this study program began accepting new students in the odd semester of 2014/2015 academic year.

The process of compiling curriculum document for the study program refers to various elements including government policies, professional organizations and associations of Higher Education Institutions in the field of Environmental Health both at regional and national levels, reputable university curricula, the vision and mission of the university and faculty, as well as other stakeholders such as students, lecturers, alumni, and users.

Figure 1.1. Learning Outcome Formulation for Bachelor’s Degree Program in Environmental Health

In the process of compiling the curriculum document, the needs analysis, policies, benchmarks with various environmental health study programs at leading universities abroad were also carried out, as well as compiling the formulation of learning outcomes with environmental health professional organizations (Environmental Health Specialist – EHSA; and the Indonesian Environmental Health Experts Association – HAKLI) and with the Association of Environmental Health College Institutions – PIPTKL. Furthermore, in developing learning outcomes and curriculum, the Bachelor’s degree program in Environmental Health at UI engages various stakeholders such as lecturers, students, alumni and users. The involvement of stakeholders in compiling learning outcomes and curriculum can be seen in the image below.

Figure 1.2. Stages of Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Development


To be a center of excellence for education, scientific development, and dedication to humanity in the field of environmental health at both national and international levels (Southeast Asia).


The mission of the Bachelor of Environmental Health degree program is as follows:

  1. To be a center of excellence for environmental health science and technology at international standards.
  2. To organize training, education, research and development on environmental health.
  3. To help provide skills and enlighten the nation’s life in creating an environment that supports healthy and sustainable living.
  4. To take part in UI’s mission to create an academic climate that can support the actualization of UI’s vision.
  5. To support the mission of the UI Faculty of Public Health to be a driving force of national and regional health development through active participation in building community capacity and efforts to resolve various health problems.


The objectives of the Bachelor of Environmental Health degree program at the UI Faculty of Public Health consist of general and specific objectives, as follows:

General Objective:

To create graduates with skills and analytical abilities to solve environmental health problems of international quality, based on knowledge, dedication, ethics, and integrity.

Specific Objectives:

  1. To provide a forum for developing Environmental Health Science that can answer current environmental and health problems through research, professional training, institutional and professional cooperation, strengthening supporting facilities and laboratories, and improving the expertise and professionalism of human resources;
  2. To create graduates who comprehend, are skilled, and master the Environmental Health Science so that they are able to solve public health problems resulting from various environmental exposures.


The Environmental Health Studies Program has been nationally accredited with the EXCELLENT predicate since 2021, and is going to be in the process of obtaining international AHPGS accreditation. Through the Government Regulation No. 66 of 2014 and the Law No. 17 of 2023 on Environmental Health and health workers, the government recognizes the important role of environmental health and the future Bachelors of Environmental Health in disease prevention efforts. Our curriculum is designed to meet theoretical and analytical skills, as well as direct practice with partners/companies/institutions. This condition places Bachelors of Environmental Health in demand by both the government and private sector. Many of our alumni are civil servants and work for private companies such as Hyundai, Freeport, Pertamina, WHO, NGOs, and so on. In the field of research, we continue to study various technologies, programs, and innovations to address pollution problems, such as microplastic and biomarker research.

Graduate Profile

The profile of a Bachelor of Environmental Health includes:

  1. Environmental Health Practitioner/Inspector
  2. Environmental Health Manager and Administrator
  3. Health Microbiologist
  4. Health Entomologist
  5. Health, Safety and Environment Practitioners
  6. Environmental Health Auditor

In full, the profile of the Bachelor of Environmental Health degree program graduates is those able to analyze risks of environmental exposure, predict the health impacts of environmental exposure, and develop alternative solutions to environmental health problems in accordance with technological advances and applicable ethics and laws.

Graduate Learning Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan/CPL) of Bachelor’s degree program in Environmental Health:

  1. Being able to identify various environmental exposures (physical, chemical, microorganisms, and radiation) and analyze the mechanisms of various health impacts on the population. (CPL 1)
  2. Being able to measure the magnitude of health risks in a population that currently and will occur (predicted) due to various environmental exposures. (CPL 2)
  3. Being able to develop proper and appropriate advocacy, prevention and strategic control efforts in each link in the environmental exposure journey until health impacts occur. (CPL 3)
  4. Having analytical skills and critical sensitivity to developments in science, concepts, and technology in the field of Environmental Health. (CPL 4)
  5. Being able to think strategically, holistically and work together in a team (CPL 5)
  6. Being able to develop initiatives in mobilizing/managing existing resources to improve environmental health levels. (CPL 6)


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Address : Building C 2nd Floor, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java Province 16424