Bachelor of Nutrition Study Program

Head of Study Program         : dr. Fathimah Sulistyowati Sigit, M.Res., Ph.D.

Secretary of Study Program : Triyanti, S.K.M., M.Sc.


Indonesia is currently facing an increase in problems arising from the epidemiological transition in nutrition. On the one hand, we still face issues related to undernutrition and infection, but on the other hand, problems caused by overnutrition and non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and others are significantly increasing. Besides macronutrient-related issues, Indonesia also still faces micronutrient deficiencies such as iron deficiency anemia. Various nutritional and public health issues currently culminate in suboptimal nutritional conditions during the First 1000 Days of Life. Various studies, from community to cellular levels, show that poor intake during the First 1000 Days of Life can significantly impact the nutritional and health conditions of subsequent generations.

On the other hand, to ensure the First 1000 Days of Life period is well-managed, adolescents must have adequate nutritional and health literacy. Currently, teenagers are often confused by misleading product promotions and claims as well as nutritional advice that is often not based on scientific evidence. The increasing variety of food and beverage products, often high in sugar, salt, and fat, but promoted by influencers on social media, also confuses teenagers about the correct dietary arrangements that can support the First 1000 Days of Life period for a better future generation.

Improving nutrition during the First 1000 Days of Life period, starting from adolescents with optimal nutrition and health literacy, is a vital factor that can enhance the quality of Indonesia’s human resources and improve Indonesia’s Human Development Index, which is still lagging. Achieving this requires professionals who understand the situation and can contribute to providing solutions, including Nutrition Science graduates. Recognizing the need for Nutrition Science graduates who can contribute to solving nutritional and health issues in Indonesia, the Department of Public Health Nutrition at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, has opened an undergraduate Nutrition Study Program since 2008 based on the MWA UI letter No 191/MWA-UI/2007. The graduates will be equipped with comprehensive basic competencies related to nutrition and health, including nutrition and dietetics, public health nutrition, and food service management, along with a focus on the First 1000 Days of Life period within the paradigm of improving public health. Since 2012, the undergraduate Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI has graduated Nutrition Science professionals with competencies in managing nutrition and health programs both in institutions and communities, from planning to evaluation, supported by a strong theoretical understanding.


To become the first-rate center in the field of education, research, and community service of Nutrition Science especially in nutrition in the first 1000 days of life in Indonesia and South-east Asia.


  • Implementing nutrition education programs
  • Institutionalizing Nutrition Study Program as the national center of Nutrition Science development concentrating on nutrition in the first 1000 days of life with  problem solving competency as well as the enhancement of individual, group, and community health in the globalization era
  • Conducting scientific research in the field of nutrition
  • Providing community services in the field of nutrition;
  • Shaping the personality of academicians with high moral values.


To produce Bachelor of Science in Nutrition who is:

  1. Able to master nutritional theories, sciences, and technology, as well as related sciences (food sciences, biomedical sciences, humanities and management) in depth and able to procedurally formulate nutritional problems completion for individual, group, and society especially in nutrition in the first 1000 days of life in regards with
    • Fulfilment food demand in terms of quality, quantity, diversification and food safety for domestic and foreign needs.
    • Problems arising from the epidemiological transition in nutrition.
    • The rapid growth of the food industry and the increasing number and quality demands of nutrition and food service institutions.
    • Increasing prevalence of both infectious and non-communicable diseases that require more professional handling.
    • Increased need for nutritional assistance to achieve sporting achievements.
  2. Able to systematically apply nutritional sciences and technologies in nutritional problems completion through promotion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation measures, as well as able to adapt to the situation at hand.
  3. Able to make right decisions in the nutrition field based on information analysis, and able to provide alternative solution to the nutritional problems independently and in groups.
  4. Able to responsible for the nutritional authority and work as well as nutritional work outcomes done or given individually or in groups by considering organization internal and external system.
  5. Able to have creativity and toughness in developing nutrition services, culinary, and food products.
  6. Able to manage nutrition programs in the field of institutions and public health starting from planning until evaluation based on adequate theoretical and conceptual knowledge


  1. Equipping graduates with comprehensive basic competencies related to nutrition and health, covering areas such as nutrition and dietetics, public health nutrition, and food service management, along with a focus on the 1000 Days of Life period within the paradigm of improving public health.
  2. Implementing Problem-Based Learning (PBL) as the main teaching method from the second year of study using a block system, so that students become accustomed to actively engaging in discussions to find solutions based on scientific evidence to solve given nutritional problems.
  3. Having teaching staff who are proficient in both theoretical mastery, practical experience, and involvement in the development of nutrition and health programs and policies at the national and regional levels.
  4. Providing extensive opportunities for students to develop their interests and talents, as well as hone their academic and non-academic skills through participation in expert lectures, competitions, conferences, and student exchanges.
  5. Having strong cooperation and networking with alumni to ensure the transfer of knowledge and experience to students in preparing them for the workforce.

Degree Awarded and Graduate Profile

  • Graduates of the of Undergraduate Program in Nutrition FPH UI will be awarded as a Bachelor of Nutrition/Sarjana Gizi/S.Gz degree.
  • The graduate profile of Undergraduate Program in Nutrition FPH UI is of Bachelor of Nutrition who can develop individual, group, and community nutrition services scientifically with multi program and multi-sectoral collaboration oriented to professional ethics who can act as:
  1. Nutrition Service Provider.
  2. Nutrition Educator
  3. Scientific Reseacher.
  4. Decision Maker.
  5. Community Leader

Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Nutrition who can develop individual, group, and community nutrition services scientifically with multi program and multi-sectoral collaboration oriented to professional ethics that is capable of:

  1. thinking broadly (metacognitive) with scientific foundation
  2. explaining basic theory, nutrition science and technology and related science systematically
  3. applying nutrition science and technology in solving individual, group, and community nutritional problems through nutritional assessment
  4. communicating effectively in counseling services, nutrition education, and dietetic to overcome individual, group, and community nutritional problems in accordance with the assessment results as well as considering the implications
  5. independently managing nutritional services based on standardized nutritional assessment
  6. making decisions in nutrition problem-solving process at individual, group, and community levels through nutritional assessment
  7. developing nutritional promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services as well as adapting to limited resource conditions
  8. cooperating in teams and responsible for both independent and group work results, displaying critical attitude, and demonstrating empathy to clients and co-workers at internal and external organizations levels
  9. designing nutrition education using suitable media and method for target characteristics
  10. designing institutional food service management by applying management concepts
  11. developing business plan for program, product and services, including funding development, staff necessities, facility requirements, equipment and supplies
  12. conducting research in the field of nutrition in groups

Curriculum Structure

Curriculum Structure

Course Structure and Study Period

No Courses SCUs
1. University 10
2. Health Science Cluster 13
3. Faculty 16
4. Study Program 93
5. Elective 12

The study period in the Nutrition Study Program is 8 semesters or 4 years.

Course Structure

Criteria for Prospective Students and Admission Pathways

  1. Criteria for Prospective Students:
    1. Graduates from Senior High School (SLTA) or Islamic Senior High School (MA) with a science major
    2. Not color blind
  2. Admission Pathways
    Admission pathways for the Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI include National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Test (SNBT), and Independent Pathways (test-based and achievement-based). Further details regarding the admission pathways and requirements can be found at

Competitiveness and Graduation Rates

The Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI has a competitive admission rate of 1.5-3% (over the past 3 years) with a student graduation rate of 100%.

Learning Opportunities

Since its establishment in 2008, the Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI has always encouraged its students to take advantage of international learning opportunities offered through the UI International Office or directly by individual educational institutions. These opportunities have been utilized by several students participating in summer courses or short courses at various overseas institutions.

In 2020, the Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI incorporated the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program into its curriculum with various activities, including internships in institutions (MSIB), studying abroad (IISMA), and other forms. Information about studying abroad can be further explored on the UI International Office website ( Information about MBKM can be found on the website

Student Activities

In addition to academic activities, the Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI also provides ample opportunities for students to participate in non-academic activities. The Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI has a Nutrition Student Association known as the Family Nutrition Association (AKG) FKM UI, which serves as a platform for students to organize and participate in various non-academic activities. The annual major event organized by AKG is known as the Nutrition Expo, which consists of a series of activities ranging from poster and photography competitions, nutrition training, social services in nutrition, and the International Seminar on Nutrition.

In addition, AKG also has several regular activities, including the publication of nutrition bulletins and magazines, nutrition software training, alumni meetings, skill training in the field of nutrition, nutritional assessment of food, and other interesting activities. All these activities can be attended by all students of the Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI.

The Department of Public Health Nutrition FKM UI, together with the students, also regularly organizes the dissemination of students’ final project results in the form of a national seminar called Nutrition for the Nation. This activity also serves as a learning opportunity for students, especially in finding inspiration for their final project topics.

In addition to activities organized by AKG, students of the Nutrition Study Program at FKM UI can also participate in other activities organized at the faculty, university, national, or international levels. Announcements about various activities that students can join are available on social media and relevant websites.

Waiting Period and Job Areas for Graduates

The 2024 alumni survey shows that the waiting period for graduates to get their first job is between 1-3 months.

Job areas for graduates include:

  1. Dietetics Nutrition
    Clinics, hospitals, sports & fitness
  2. Community Nutrition and Public Health
    Community health centers, Health Office, Ministry of Health, BAPPENAS, BPOM, BKKBN, United Nations agencies (UNICEF, WHO), NGOs/LSMs (WVI, NI, CISDI)
  3. Food Service Management
    School catering, corporate catering, commercial catering
  4. Entrepreneurship
    Online nutrition consultation platforms, food product innovators, content creators, nutritional influencers
  5. Research and Academics
    Lecturers, researchers
  6. Food Industry
    R&D, Quality Assurance, Marketing


Phone Number     : 021 – 7863501

Email                      :

Address                  : Building F 2nd Floor, FKM UI Depok, West Java, 16424