Master of Epidemiology 

Head of Study Program        : Dr. rer. Medic. Putri Bungsu, S.K.M., M.Epid.

Secretary of Study Program : Renti Mahkota, S.K.M., M.Epid.


The Epidemiology Study Program of Universitas Indonesia (UI) Postgraduate Program has been implemented since October 1995. The Master’s degree program in Epidemiology was officially established with the Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No.108/DIKTI/Kep/1996 dated April 18, 1996. Furthermore, the Doctoral program in Epidemiology was also established with the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture No.428/DIKTI/Kep/1998 dated November 24, 1998. The Master of Epidemiology degree program has been running the FETP program since 1980. It started from a non-degree program and then changed to a degree program, following the development of Epidemiology at the national and international levels (PAEI, JEN, Inclen, Tephinet).


To be a world-class center for the development of science, technology, and Master’s education in Epidemiology through the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi) endeavors, thus playing an active role in the development of public health in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.


  1. To organize Tridharma activities that are of high quality and relevant to national and regional needs in the field of Epidemiology at Master’s level in community settings, clinics, and as Epidemiology practitioners by partnering and networking with various national and international institutions.
  2. To create an academic climate that can support the actualization of vision of the study program.
  3. To organize educational activities creating highly intellectual and nationally and regionally competitive Masters of Epidemiology.
  4. To conduct research on Epidemiology that produces high quality, creative, innovative, and effective scientific works.
  5. To organize community engagement by applying epidemiological science and methods to improve public health levels.
  6. To make the present study program a reference center for the development of Epidemiological science and technology by expanding the public access to educational programs, training and services provided as well as the science, technology and innovation produced.


  1. To create a Master of Epidemiology with the following competencies:
    1. Capable of developing Epidemiology principles, methods, and applications in the scientific field and professional practice of Epidemiology through research, so as to produce innovative and tested work.
    2. Capable of solving scientific problems and health-related events through an inter or multidisciplinary approach.
    3. Capable of managing research and development that is beneficial to people and Epidemiological science, and gaining national and international recognition.
  2. To encourage studies on Epidemiology:
    1. Increasing the number of research grants and the quality of research results.
    2. The resulting research is presented at national and international conferences or seminars.
    3. The research produced is published in scholarly journals with national and international reputations and/or obtains intellectual property rights.
    4. Establishing strategic cooperations in education and research with domestic and foreign institutions and agencies.
  3. To encourage community engagement activities in the field of epidemiology through:
    1. The actualization of recommendations and programs addressing health problems using surveillance methods and other epidemiological principles.
    2. Application of expertise in Epidemiology
  4. To encourage and support any active participation of academics in the development and service of a democratic, prosperous, and civilized society as an independent moral force.
  5. To improve the quantity and quality of service to the nation and the world through collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities for cultural enrichment, as well as continuing education.


Excellent Accreditation

Reputable and competent lecturers their respective fields;

Facilities and infrastructure that support the learning and teaching process

Graduate Profile

A Master of Epidemiology who is capable of developing principles, methods, and applications of Epidemiology to solve any health problem through research with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches on a national or international scale.


Phone    : +62812-9807-2233

E-mail    :

Address : Building A 1st Floor, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, 16424