Exploring Digital Health Innovation: FPH UI Students’ Role in AUA PAF 2025

Four postgraduate students from the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) successfully presented their ideas at the international conference The 2025 Asia University Alliance (AUA) Postgraduate Academic Forum (PAF): Global Health in the Era of Digital Transformation. The four FPH students consisted of three students from the Master’s Program in Public Health Sciences— Illa Sufiyana Jannatin, Anggraina Diastri, and Winda Widyanty— as well as one student from the Master’s Program in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Kholid Saifulloh. The conference, held at Seoul National University, South Korea, served as a platform for postgraduate students from various AUA member countries to share innovations related to digital transformation in the health sector.

The 2025 AUA event took place over four full days, from February 6–9, 2025, with a series of activities designed to strengthen networks and deepen academic discussions. The forum began with a networking session on the first day, followed by an intensive inter-conference on February 7–8, which included poster presentations, oral presentations, and focus group discussions (FGD). Participants, all of whom were postgraduate students with an interest in digital health, engaged in FGDs discussing the accessibility of digital health services across different countries. These discussions were conducted in small groups of 4–5 participants to address key issues. Alongside the academic activities, a gala dinner and a campus tour at Seoul National University enriched participants’ cultural experiences and international networking opportunities.

Illa Sufiyana Jannatin from FPH UI contributed to the forum by presenting her research paper in a poster presentation session, focusing on evaluating the implementation of the Satu Sehat platform in Indonesia as an effort to strengthen digital-based healthcare transformation.

Illa, who currently works at the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) of the Indonesian Ministry of Health and is directly involved in the development of Satu Sehat, was particularly interested in exploring ideas related to the implementation of this system in Indonesia. Her research focused on several provinces that have implemented the platform, aiming to evaluate its effectiveness in transforming healthcare services.

“We want to understand the challenges faced in the field so that the implementation of Satu Sehat in Indonesia can be more targeted,” Illa explained. She sought to identify obstacles encountered by Community Health Centers (Puskesmas), health departments, hospitals, and the general public. The expected outcome of this research is to provide more structured implementation guidelines for health departments and healthcare facilities, ensuring a more effective adoption of technology.

The three other FPH UI students also presented interesting topics during the FGD, including research on Satu Sehat Mobile focusing on public acceptance in Jakarta, a study on the application of machine learning in mental health, and a systematic literature review on e-cigarette smoking habits. During the conference, students had the opportunity to discuss and collaborate with participants from various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, India, and South Korea, with a total of over 30 student participants.

Through discussions and exchanges of ideas with participants from different backgrounds, Illa gained new insights into the development of digital health information in other countries while realizing that Indonesia is on a progressive path with the Satu Sehat innovation. The FGDs in this forum served as a platform for participants to exchange ideas in-depth, expand their international networks, and enrich their knowledge about digital transformation in the health sector. “Attending this conference was an incredible experience, especially in exchanging ideas with academics from various countries,” Illa expressed. The forum significantly enriched her international experience.

According to her, from the registration stage to the scientific poster presentation session, the support from her academic advisor and FPH UI played a crucial role, particularly from Popy Yuniar, S.K.M., M.M., Ph.D., her supervisor who continuously provided guidance, as well as support from lecturers of relevant publication courses. Additionally, encouragement from the student affairs department helped facilitate administrative processes and funding applications after the program was completed. The experience of participating in an international conference was a valuable milestone for Illa.

“Joining an international conference can open new perspectives, expand connections, and become a turning point in personal development,” Illa advised. She also emphasized the importance of being open to learning new things, including improving English proficiency, which is key to international conferences. Thorough preparation, mastery of the material, and readiness to answer questions are essential in maximizing the experience in an international forum like this.

The involvement of these four FPH UI students in this international forum reflects FPH UI’s dedication to fostering innovation and development in the field of digital and global health, while also reinforcing its commitment to supporting research, collaboration, and contributions on the international stage. (DFD)