On Thursday, November 7, 2024, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) welcomed a visit from the Faculty of Agriculture at Hasanuddin University (Faperta Unhas) for a benchmarking study on the development of the Integrity Zone (IZ). The meeting, held in the Meeting Room of Building A RIK UI, served as a platform for sharing experiences and strategies in building a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM), which are key components of the public service transformation within higher education institutions.
The Vice Dean for Resources, Venture, and General Administration of FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si., warmly welcomed the visiting group. She emphasized that the opportunity to exchange experiences in developing the Integrity Zone (IZ) was a valuable moment for both faculties. “We are excited to host this visit and hope to exchange ideas, experiences, and strategies for building a clean and service-oriented bureaucracy in the higher education environment,” she said.
Also present was Prof. Dr. Ir. Rismaneswati, S.P., M.P., the Vice Dean for Planning, Resources, and Alumni of the Faculty of Agriculture at Unhas, along with several area managers in system management, accountability strengthening, and public services. In her remarks, Prof. Risma shared, “This visit aims to delve deeper into the strategies that FPH UI has implemented to achieve the Integrity Zone status. Given that the Faculty of Agriculture at Unhas also has a large number of lecturers and educational staff, as well as a high student-to-teacher ratio, we hope this visit will provide valuable insights and inspire us in implementing the Integrity Zone program at our faculty.”
The Integrity Zone (IZ) is a designation awarded to government institutions, including universities, that are committed to creating a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) and a Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM). “The main goal of IZ is to establish WBK and WBBM in order to improve the quality of public services and achieve the organization’s vision and mission,” explained Dr. Milla. “Integrity, free from corruption, high performance, and optimal public service are the most important elements,” she continued.
As the first faculty at the University of Indonesia to achieve the Integrity Zone (IZ) status, FPH UI has gone through a long journey. “Since being designated as the Integrity Zone in 2019, FPH UI has continuously worked to strengthen clean and service-oriented bureaucracy through various improvements, including enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency in all aspects of service, even amid the challenges posed by the pandemic,” Dr. Milla explained. In 2019, FPH UI was named by UI as the first faculty to implement Integrity Zone development, followed by the creation of an integrity pact, formation of the IZ team and change agents, as well as socialization and education on IZ. Dr. Milla suggested that the IZ team should align with the core tasks and functions (tupoksi) in daily operations so that each team member becomes familiar with the regulations and systems applicable to the Integrity Zone development. “In addition, improvements were made in six leverage areas, service innovations, and monitoring and evaluation,” she explained.
In 2021, FPH UI officially earned the IZ-WBK designation, which was followed in 2022 by the establishment of Integrity Seeds, the implementation of ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-Bribery Management System), and the formation of the Anti-Bribery Compliance Commission (KKAP). Following the success in achieving the IZ WBK status, FPH UI was entrusted with assisting other UI faculties and state universities (PTNs) in implementing IZ. This success is the result of the commitment of leadership, effective communication, and the involvement of all elements—ranging from senior professors, lecturers, to alumni and students.
Integrity is not just a word but a unity between words and actions. According to the Chair of the Discipline Commission at Faperta Unhas, Ir. Syamsul Arifin Lias, M.Si, the sincere commitment of each individual is more valuable than mere structural compulsion, as support without pressure creates a more sustainable culture of integrity. He also mentioned the challenges in socializing the Integrity Zone, especially in creating voluntary support from all faculty elements without structural pressure. In line with this, Dr. Milla emphasized that FPH UI continues to make Integrity Zone not just a designation but a reality, as many efforts have been made to achieve it. “Every activity supporting the Integrity Zone must have tangible benefits, not just administrative formalities,” she stated.
An important aspect highlighted in building the IZ is the emergence of innovations. Some of the innovations implemented at FPH UI include the 9 UI Values handbook, the Tendikasi Award, the Faculty Service Unit (ULF), the e-Complaint app, and applications for the student performance and correspondence information system. “Flexibility in the implementation of activities is also recognized as a key success factor, allowing the faculty to tailor programs to specific needs and ensure their consistent and sustainable execution,” said Dr. Milla.
Present at the meeting from FPH UI, in addition to Vice Dean Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si., were Faculty Secretary Nelasari, M.K.M., and representatives from each leverage area. Also present were Dr. Tigin Dariati, S.P., M.Sc., Secretary of the Quality Assurance and Reputation Improvement Group at the Faculty of Agriculture at Unhas, and Ir. Mahmud Achmad, M.O., Ph.D., Chair of the IZ Team at Unhas. This meeting is expected to strengthen the synergy between FPH UI and the Faculty of Agriculture at Unhas in understanding and implementing the principles of the Integrity Zone. Thus, IZ will not only enhance internal systems but also serve as a foundation for universities to build higher quality, transparent, and integrity-driven public services. (DFD)