FPH UI Community Service Team Provides Training and Mentoring in Making Information Media about the BIAS Program for Teachers at SDN Pisangan Timur 18

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), provides a booster and follow-up vaccination program for school-age children through the School Child Immunization Month (BIAS) program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Culture. This activity involves the active participation of teachers, especially as information disseminators to parents and students. Therefore, teachers must be equipped with knowledge regarding effective information dissemination methods in schools.

The Community Service Team from the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) of the Universitas Indonesia (UI), in collaboration with the Health Polytechnic (Poltekkes) of the Ministry of Health Jakarta I, conducted a training session entitled “Training and Assistance in Creating Information Media about the BIAS Program for Teachers of SDN Pisangan Timur 18” on September 12, 2024.

This training activity targets impactful results for parents and students directly through the creation of infographics about vaccination. The training was conducted in groups by the teachers, accompanied by facilitators from students of FPH UI and Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I.

“The infographics developed by the teachers are expected to be more effective because the teachers, as substitutes for parents at school, understand the character of their students better due to their bond with them. Therefore, the messages presented are expected to be easier to understand and accept,” said Dr. rer. nat. Putri Bungsu Machmud, S.K.M., M.Epid., Head of the Community Service Team from FPH UI, supported by her colleague, Husnul Khatimah, S.ST., M.K.M., from the Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I community service team.

These infographics will be presented in both digital and print formats (standing banners and posters) displayed at the school so that they can be read by students and parents. Additionally, the community service team also developed a pocketbook containing information about the BIAS program, types of vaccinations in schools, the benefits of vaccination, and information to minimize misconceptions about vaccinations for parents.

“The benefit we gained is that we now know more about immunization and vaccination, especially for elementary school children. We understand how important it is, so we can educate children and parents to encourage them to get vaccinated,” said Hendrik, S.Kom., S.Pd, a training participant and Vice Principal of SDN 18 Pisangan Timur, East Jakarta.

Through this community service program, it is hoped that more schools will involve teachers in vaccination training programs. As a result, schools will not only be places for academic learning but also places that support the overall health of students.