On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) held an open doctoral promotion session for candidate Rini Febrianti. Through a training module for health workers assisting mothers in efforts to improve breastfeeding success, Rini officially earned her Doctorate in Public Health. Rini is the 430th doctoral graduate from FPH UI.
Her dissertation, titled “Training Module for Health Workers Assisting Pregnant Mothers to Improve Breastfeeding Success,” stemmed from the low prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia. The lack of information about exclusive breastfeeding from health workers and mothers’ perceptions of insufficient breast milk are key factors contributing to the low practice of exclusive breastfeeding. One crucial factor for successful breastfeeding is healthcare services. The insufficient information about breast milk from health workers and mothers’ perceptions of breast milk adequacy often remain inaccurate, leading to an intervention plan to provide training for health workers assisting pregnant mothers so they can offer proper information and emphasize the importance of breastfeeding. A training module for health workers assisting pregnant mothers is necessary to improve breastfeeding success.
The aim of this research was to identify the essential content needed to develop a module that can enhance the competence of health workers assisting pregnant mothers in their efforts to improve breastfeeding success.
This research was conducted using a mixed-methods study with a sequential exploratory design. Four primary health centers in Padang City with exclusive breastfeeding coverage below 60% were chosen as the study locations. The research started in October 2022 and concluded in April 2024. Eight health workers provided assistance to 37 mothers. Qualitative data analysis was conducted using categorization, while quantitative data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon test. The quantitative analysis aimed to assess the midwives’ knowledge before and after the training, as well as the differences in the knowledge, attitudes, and family support of the mothers.
Based on qualitative research, the core content for the support module included the benefits of breastfeeding, early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD), breastfeeding efforts, attachment and positioning, postpartum issues, breast problems, preparation for working mothers, family support, and post-delivery family planning. Statistically, the competence of health workers increased along with improved knowledge (p value = 0.005). The knowledge and attitudes of mothers also significantly differed after receiving assistance (p value = 0.001; p value = 0.001). The training module for health workers assisting pregnant mothers was found to be efficient and effective in improving the knowledge of health workers, mothers’ knowledge, and mothers’ attitudes. “As a recommendation, further research should be conducted on a larger population, with a longer timeframe, tested on both intervention and control groups, and carried out in different regions to assess the effectiveness of the module,” Rini stated in her dissertation summary presentation.
The module developed by Rini was well received by the entire examination board, consisting of Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the Chair of the Examination Team; Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., as the chair of the session; Prof. Dr. drg. Sandra Fikawati, M.P.H., as the Promoter; and Prof. Dr. dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti, Sp.OG (K), M.P.H., and Dr. Idral Purnakarya, S.K.M., M.K.M., as Co-promoters; along with the examination team members Dr. Ir. Anies Irawati, M.Kes.; Dr. Hera Nurlita, S.SIT., M.Kes.; Dr. Indra Supradewi, S.K.M., M.K.M.; and Dr. dr. Naomi Esthernita Fauzia Dewanto, Sp.A (K).
“Proceed to the next stage of research; the findings from this study can be used and developed further to improve the health status of mothers and children through comprehensive healthcare services,” said Prof. Fika in his welcoming speech.
Based on the results of her dissertation, Rini successfully passed and was awarded a Doctorate in Public Health, becoming the 39th graduate of the 2024 Doctoral Program in Public Health, the 335th graduate of the Doctoral Program in Public Health, and the 430th doctoral graduate of FPH UI. (promovendus)