Safety management is one of the most crucial aspects for companies to achieve reliable and safe operations. Currently, safety management in Indonesia still focuses on the negative aspects and lacks attention to the positive aspects of safety within companies. A new safety concept, Safety-II or resilience engineering, has emerged, shifting the focus of safety management to the positive aspects, enabling companies to develop resilience. Motivated by this issue, Mufti Wirawan conducted research on “Development of the Safety-II Concept for Safety Management in Mining Companies in Indonesia.” On Thursday, July 4, 2024, Mufti defended his research in the Open Doctoral Promotion session at the Doctoral Promotion Room, Building G, FPH UI.
This research aims to test and examine the implementation of the Safety-II concept in mining companies in Indonesia. “Safety-II is indeed a new concept, already applied in many foreign countries, but it has not been widely implemented in Indonesia,” said Mufti. Using a mixed-methods design combining both quantitative and qualitative research, Mufti found that the Safety-II model can be applied to safety management in mining companies in Indonesia. With the Safety-II model, mining companies are expected to develop resilience, which can be measured using four elements: respond, monitor, learn, and anticipate. Additionally, several other variables can contribute to achieving company resilience, including organizational adaptation, safety culture, safety leadership, employee involvement, and safety commitment.
In his study, Mufti involved 1,358 participants from 12 different companies: 2 owner companies, 4 contractor companies, and 6 subcontractor companies. Based on the results from questionnaires and interviews, Mufti concluded that owner companies have better potential to achieve resilience compared to contractor and subcontractor companies. Therefore, Mufti recommended that the government and policymakers consider integrating the Safety-II concept into workplace safety regulations, especially in mining companies.
Mufti, who is also a lecturer at the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) FPH UI, successfully defended his dissertation in front of an examination panel led by Prof. Dr. dr. L. Meily Kurniawidjaja, M.Sc., Sp.Ok., as the Head of the Examination Panel; Prof. dra. Fatma Lestari, M.Si., Ph.D., as the Promotor; Dr. Widura Imam Mustopo, Psychologist, M.Si., and Prof. Doni Hikmat Ramdhan, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D., as the Co-Promotors; along with other examiners including Prof. Indri Hapsari Susilowati, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D.; Dr. Dadan Erwandi, S.Psi., M.Si.; Dr. Lana Saria, S.Si., M.Si.; Dr. Patuan Alfon S., S.T., M.M., M.K.K.K., IPU.; and Dr. Riza Yosia Sunindijo S.T., M.T., M.Eng., MACIB., ICIOB. Through his research, Mufti earned his doctoral degree in Public Health Sciences (IKM) and became the 32nd doctoral graduate in Public Health Sciences in 2024, the 328th PhD graduate in Public Health Sciences, and the 420th doctoral graduate from FPH UI. (WR)