The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), in collaboration with the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment (K3L) UI, has organized a First Aid Training for FPH’s academic staff and students. The training, which was divided into two batches, was held on July 30 and 31, 2024, at the G Hall, FPH UI. The first batch was attended by 16 administrative staff and 7 students, while the second batch had 7 administrative staff and 19 students.
The training covered topics such as Basic Life Support, Victim Immobilization, and Victim Lifting and Transport. Six facilitators and trainers from UPT K3L UI, specifically from the Fire Prevention and Emergency Management division, led the session. In the Basic Life Support section, participants were trained on how to administer first aid using high-quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques and artificial respiration for victims of cardiac arrest and respiratory failure. This session included both theoretical lessons and practical exercises using demonstration tools.
Next, participants were taught how to immobilize and treat injuries such as fractures, shoulder injuries, and burns. They also practiced bandaging techniques, shoulder injury management, and handling sprained joints.
Furthermore, in the victim lifting and transport section, participants were given both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience on how to move victims using stretchers or without any equipment. All participants, both from Group 1 and Group 2, were very enthusiastic and engaged throughout the training.
The goal of this training was to enhance the knowledge of the administrative staff and students, especially those involved in new student orientation committees and student organizations, regarding first aid in case of medical incidents. Additionally, this training serves as part of the implementation of emergency response management within FPH UI. It is hoped that this training will equip both administrative staff and students with the skills to reduce injuries and even save lives in case of an emergency. (ACR)