FPH UI Holds Graduation Ceremony for Postgraduate Programs for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025

The Graduation Celebration for Postgraduate Students of the Odd Semester, Academic Year 2024/2025, was held with great enthusiasm on Friday, February 21, 2025. The event, which took place in the Auditorium of Building G, FPH UI, created an atmosphere of joy and pride for the prospective graduates who had successfully completed their education.

The Dean of FPH UI, Prof. Dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., stated in her speech that as the oldest and leading faculty of public health in Indonesia, FPH UI has continuously improved the quality of education. This ongoing effort aims to produce outstanding, virtuous, and impactful graduates whose contributions can be felt both nationally and internationally.

“Public health professionals must play a key role in health transformation as primary actors leading the field of primary prevention, including promotive, preventive, and even primordial efforts. It is our hope that you will guide and contribute to the development of stronger, evidence-based national health policies and programs,” Prof. Mondastri conveyed to the prospective graduates.

This graduation celebration was attended by 100 master’s program graduates and 21 doctoral program graduates. Among the master’s program graduates, 19 students—accounting for 19%—graduated with cum laude honors. The highest GPA in this category was achieved by Eufrasia Victa Swastika Anggriasti from the Master’s Program in Hospital Administration Studies, with a GPA of 3.92. Meanwhile, among the doctoral program graduates, 5 students—representing 24%—earned cum laude honors, with the highest GPA of 3.97 achieved by Finna Ella Indriany from the Doctoral Program in Public Health Sciences.

This graduation celebration carries a hope that FPH UI graduates will become key figures in advancing public health. This sentiment aligns with the speech given by the Vice Chairman of the FPH UI Alumni Association, Dr. Haryadi Wibowo, S.H., M.A.R.S.

“I hope that as you apply your knowledge, you will align with Asta Cita, particularly point three—creating job opportunities and innovations—and point four—developing high-quality human resources. Society is eagerly awaiting our tangible contributions, as we are also responsible for the well-being of humanity,” said Dr. Haryadi Wibowo, S.H., M.A.R.S.

Once again, FPH UI takes great pride in the prospective graduates who have successfully completed their academic journey with extraordinary determination. Congratulations to all FPH UI graduates—continue to serve and make a difference! (ITM)