FPH UI IT Team, Eddy Afrianyah and Nico Kurnia Pratama, Provide Sismonev Training in a Workshop from the UI TREM BIRO

Two members of the Information Technology (IT) team from the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), Eddy Afrianyah, S.Kom., M.Si., and Nico Kurnia Pratama, S.T., were featured as speakers in a workshop organized by the TREM Bureau (Transformation, Risk Management, and Monitoring Evaluation) at UI on November 5, 2024. The workshop aimed to provide training on performance achievement reporting and gathering supporting evidence for performance indicators cascaded to faculties and work units through the use of a computer-based Monitoring and Evaluation System at https://sismonev.ui.ac.id.

The Monitoring and Evaluation System application (sismonev.ui.ac.id) is a replication of the Performance Information System (SISKA) developed by the IT team at FPH UI. During the session, Eddy and Nico explained the use of the computer-based Monitoring and Evaluation System that has been developed to support the university’s performance evaluation and reporting processes. This system is designed to streamline the collection, analysis, and preparation of data related to achievements and performance across various operational aspects of the university, from academic activities to research and community service.

Eddy Afrianyah, Coordinator of the IT Subunit at FPH UI, provided an explanation and training on how to use the Monitoring and Evaluation System. He began his presentation by discussing the importance of data management and supporting evidence. According to him, with a computer-based system in place, all monitoring and evaluation processes can be carried out more transparently, efficiently, and based on valid data.

“As a university continuously striving to improve its quality, it is crucial for us to have a system that can integrate performance data comprehensively. With the Monitoring and Evaluation System, all elements of the university can more easily monitor and evaluate their achievements,” Eddy shared during his presentation.

Meanwhile, Nico Kurnia Pratama also delivered the same training material as the IT Subunit Coordinator. During the training, Nico guided the workshop participants, which included staff from the University Administration Center (PAU), faculty and school staff, as well as UI’s Vocational Education Program, in inputting data and supporting evidence using the system.

“The Monitoring and Evaluation System is designed to simplify the process for each unit in the university to input data and performance evidence. It is not limited to staff; it can also be accessed by program heads, department chairs, managers, and leaders to get an overview of the achievements and development needs of their respective units,” explained Nico.

Through this training, participants are expected to make optimal use of the SISMONEV system to accelerate the process of preparing performance reports that are more systematic and easily accessible by all relevant parties. The workshop participants were also encouraged to interact directly with the system, giving them a more hands-on experience in using this technology for evaluation and planning purposes.

This workshop not only served as an opportunity to introduce new technology but also as a strategic step in aligning all components at UI to work more coordinatedly towards achieving shared goals. With the user-friendly computer-based system, it is hoped that the monitoring and evaluation process of university performance will become increasingly efficient, transparent, and measurable, ultimately leading to positive impacts on improving the quality of education at the University of Indonesia. (wrk)