The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) welcomed the Faculty of Sports and Health (FOK) from the University of Gorontalo in a benchmarking event held on Wednesday, June 10, 2024, at the PA209 Meeting Room, Building A, RIK UI. The event aimed to share knowledge and experiences related to the international accreditations that FPH UI has successfully obtained, namely AHPGS (Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Science), ISO 9001, and ISO 37001. Throughout its establishment, FPH UI has consistently maintained good communication and cooperation with other educational institutions, including the University of Gorontalo. FPH UI hopes that through this event, FOK University of Gorontalo can gain useful guidance and tips to achieve similar accreditations and improve the quality of education and governance at their faculty.
In his opening speech, the Dean of FPH UI, Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., stated that FPH UI’s curriculum has now been aligned with international standards, and currently, three study programs at FPH UI have officially received international accreditation from AHPGS until September 30, 2028. Furthermore, FPH UI fully supports the Faculty of Sports and Health at the University of Gorontalo to achieve similar standards. The Dean of FPH UI also emphasized the importance of sharing this knowledge and material as part of the mutual learning process. Prof. Mondastri hopes that this event will not only enrich participants’ insights and skills but also bring benefits and blessings to all parties involved, encouraging closer and more productive academic cooperation in the future. “Thus, we can continue to strive to provide the best in improving the quality of education and management, especially in the field of health sciences,” said Prof. Mondastri.
The Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Health at the University of Gorontalo (FOK UNG), Dr. Hartono Hadjarati, S.Pd., M.Pd., expressed his great hope that the three study programs in his faculty could achieve international accreditation. In his statement, Dr. Hartono emphasized FOK UNG’s commitment to act swiftly in reviewing and establishing good relations with various parties to achieve this goal. Dr. Hartono explained that international accreditation is an important step to improving the quality of education and enhancing the competitiveness of graduates in the global arena. “We want to ensure that our graduates are not only ready to compete at the national level but also at the international level,” said Dr. Hartono. To achieve this goal, FOK UNG has initiated various efforts, including curriculum improvement, facility enhancement, and capacity development through international accreditation.
AHPGS (Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Science) is an international accreditation body based in Freiburg, Germany. Registered on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR), AHPGS aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning in higher education in an international context, focusing on the accreditation of study programs in health and social sciences. AHPGS evaluates study programs based on three main aspects: program concept, resources, and institutional environment. The program concept assessment includes structural data of the program, modularization of studies and examination systems, the goals of the program and their rationale, the labor market situation and career opportunities for graduates, admission requirements and recognition rules, as well as quality assurance mechanisms used to ensure educational quality.
“AHPGS plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of higher education in the fields of health and social sciences through a rigorous and standardized accreditation process. By focusing on three key aspects—program concept, resources, and institutional environment—AHPGS ensures that accredited programs can compete internationally and provide high-quality education for students,” explained Dr. Zakianis.
In addition, benchmarking against other international standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 37001 is also pursued to ensure the quality and integrity of educational institutions. ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard for quality management systems that ensures organizations can meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders. Meanwhile, ISO 37001:2016 is an international standard for anti-bribery management systems that helps organizations address the risk of bribery. “The combination of AHPGS accreditation and ISO 9001 and ISO 37001 certifications provides a strong foundation for institutions to achieve excellence in higher education,” said the Quality Assurance Manager of FPH UI, Prof. Dr. Besral, S.K.M., M.Sc.
FPH UI has held ISO 9001:2015 certification since 2017, followed by recertification in 2020 and 2023. Additionally, FPH UI obtained ISO 37001:2016 certification in 2021, which became one of the innovations in the implementation of the Integrity Zone for a Corruption-Free Area.
In addition to the Dean of FPH UI, Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., the event was also attended by the Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration at FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si.; the Quality Assurance Manager of FPH UI, Dr. Besral, S.K.M., M.Sc.; the Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Program, Dr. Robiana Modjo, S.K.M., M.Kes.; the Head of the Public Health Master’s Program, Dr. Budi Hartono, S.Si., M.K.M.; Dr. Zakianis, S.K.M., M.Kes.; and the Coordinators and Staff of Academic and Non-Academic Quality Assurance.
Meanwhile, from the Faculty of Sports and Health at the University of Gorontalo (FOK UNG), attendees included Dr. Hartono Hadjarati, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean of FOK UNG; Dr. Nasrun Pakaya, M.Kep., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at FOK; Zulkifli B. Pomalango, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Head of UPM FOK; Dr. Teti Sutriyati Tuloli, M.Si., Apt., Head of the Pharmacy Undergraduate Program; Dr. Laode Aman, M.Si., Lecturer in the Pharmacy Undergraduate Program; Dr. Sylva Flora Ninta Tarigan, S.H., M.Kes., Head of the Public Health Undergraduate Program; Tri Septian Maksum, S.K.M., M.Kes., Secretary of the Public Health Undergraduate Program; Dewi Suryaningsi Hiola, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Lecturer in the Nursing Undergraduate Program; Nirwanto K., S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep., Lecturer in the Nursing Undergraduate Program; and Nisfa Didipu, S.Pd., M.AP., Educational Staff at FOK UNG. (DFD)