On Thursday, August 29, 2024, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) hosted a study visit from students of SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta. This visit was conducted differently, as it was received in the RIK Auditorium at UI, where FPH welcomed the visit along with the Faculty of Medicine (FM) and the Faculty of Dentistry (FD) at UI. The purpose of this visit was to provide information about the various faculties within the UI Health Sciences Cluster and to motivate the students to feel more confident in choosing UI as their higher education institution.
Alongside speakers from FM and FD, FPH also provided information about academic programs to the 260 students from SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta. The Academic Manager of FPH UI, Dr. Laila Fitria, S.K.M., M.K.M., presented an overview of FPH UI, including information about the undergraduate programs offered. “FPH UI has four undergraduate programs, all of which have been nationally accredited as excellent, and two of them have received international accreditation from AHPGS and AUN-QA. The four undergraduate programs are the Public Health (SKM) program, the Nutrition (S.Gz) program, the Environmental Health (SKL) program, and the Occupational Health and Safety (SKKK) program,” explained Dr. Laila. Dr. Laila also elaborated on the differences between each program, along with examples of the courses studied.
In addition to the academic programs, Dr. Laila provided information about the facilities at FPH UI, including the laboratories. The visiting students had the opportunity to directly visit the Environmental Health laboratory and the Occupational Health and Safety (K3) laboratory at the RIK UI building. During the laboratory visit, the students were introduced to various tools used by FPH students from the Environmental Health and K3 programs, with explanations from Laboratory Technicians Nurina Imanisa (Environmental Health) and Farah Nur Fauziyah (K3).
In addition to Dr. Laila, several other speakers from the Faculty of Dentistry (FD) were present, including the Head of the Bachelor’s Program in Dentistry, drg. Citra Fragantia Theodorea, M.Si., Ph.D., and the Head of Public Relations at FD UI, Reska Herlambang, S.E., M.Ikom., as well as the spokesperson from the Faculty of Medicine (FM) UI, Adi Setiadi Nugraha. (wrk)