Introducing the Campus World to New Undergraduate Students, FPH UI Holds PSAF 2024

To welcome the new batch of undergraduate students at the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) Universitas Indonesia (UI) for the year 2024, the faculty organized the Faculty Academic System Introduction (PSAF) on August 15-16, 2024. The PSAF was held in-person and was part of the 2024 FPH UI Campus Life Orientation (OKK), which featured various speakers from both internal and external sources, discussing topics included in seminar agendas and socialization sessions.

The Dean of FPH UI, Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., delivered a message encouraging the new students to make the best use of the facilities and environment for their learning activities. “I hope you all succeed and become accomplished students whose presence will benefit the community around you,” said Prof. Mondastri.

The discussions on the first day of PSAF covered topics including a seminar on Student Affairs Unit; the Three Pillars of Higher Education; Introduction to Anti-Bribery on Campus; e-Complaint and K3L (Health, Safety, and Environment); IT Unit Seminar; Socialization of SIAK-NG; Pusinfo Unit Seminar; Program Study Seminar; and a seminar by UI Sehat Mental on Mental Health Among New Students.

Dien Anshari, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D., Manager of Student Affairs, explained the services available to FPH UI students throughout their studies.

On the second day of PSAF, the topics included the Socialization of the Undergraduate Curriculum and MBKM Program, Socialization of the Integrity Zone, WBBM, Student Handbook, Academic Unit Seminar, Student Affairs Seminar, Seminar on Mental Health Issues Among New Students, and ended with a spiritual session.

The Socialization of the Undergraduate Curriculum and MBKM Program was presented by the Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs at FPH UI, Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, M.Sc. Dr. Asih explained the curriculum strategies that students at FPH UI in 2024 will follow, from educational administration to the number of Credit Semester Units (SKS). In addition, the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program was introduced to the new students. MBKM is a program that gives undergraduate and vocational students the right to study outside their major to broaden their knowledge, preparing them for the workforce.

The presentation on the development of the Integrity Zone toward WBBM at FPH UI was given by the Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures, and General Administration at FPH UI, Dr. Milla Herdayati, S.K.M., M.Si. “The Integrity Zone (ZI) is a title given to areas where leaders and their staff are committed to making the region free of corruption and improving public service quality, making it a clean and service-oriented bureaucracy. FPH UI was one of the faculties at UI to receive the Integrity Zone-Free from Corruption (WBK) designation in 2021,” said Dr. Milla. She added that FPH UI is currently advancing toward the WBBM (Excellent Service) designation. Dr. Milla emphasized that ZI WBBM is important for building trust, ensuring quality education, preparing future generations of integrity, preventing corruption and irregularities, enhancing institutional reputation, supporting responsible innovation and research, strengthening university governance, and contributing to the nation.

It is hoped that PSAF FPH UI 2024 will help new students better understand FPH UI and continue to explore their potential throughout their academic journey. (ITM)