Leadership Meeting Discusses Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance Achievements for Quarter 3 of 2024

Towards the end of 2024, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) once again held its regular leadership meeting to monitor and evaluate the performance results of the third quarter of 2024. The leadership meeting was divided into two sessions: the Dean’s Management Meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, and the Leadership Meeting with all Structural Officials on Monday, October 21, 2024.

The Management Meeting presented the performance achievements of each work unit under the Dean’s office, presented by each unit manager. In this third quarter, the faculty achieved a general performance level of 104%. This achievement came from 65 performance indicators that were cascaded from the University and implemented by units under different fields: 19 indicators under Field 1, 3 indicators under Field 2, 14 indicators under Fields 3 and 4, 13 indicators under SU, and 2 non-field indicators.

The highest achievement was recorded by the Research and Community Service Unit (URPM) with 160.78%, followed by the Pusinfokesmas unit with 155.55% and LHA with 149%, ranking second and third. In units where performance targets were not fully achieved within the monitoring and evaluation period, the reasons were generally due to work programs whose results would only be visible at the end of the fiscal year.

In the monitoring and evaluation meeting specifically addressing the performance of Departments/Study Groups, Study Programs, Laboratories, and the Center for Public Health and Community Service (LPPKM), the highest performing department for the third quarter was the Department of Epidemiology at 1423%, followed by the Department of OHS at 1087.67%, and the Department of Nutrition in third place with an achievement of 196%.

Among the Study Programs, the top three performers were the Bachelor’s Program in OHS with 120%, the Doctoral Program in Epidemiology with 114.6%, and the Doctoral Program in Public Health with 102.38%. Meanwhile, among the laboratories, the top three performing labs were the Nutrition Lab, OHS Lab, and KL Lab, each achieving over 75%. The TPKK Lab achieved about 45%. The Center for Public Health and Community Service (LPPKM) recorded an achievement of 128.6%, and the Kesmas Journal reached 122%.

In addition to discussing achievements and monitoring performance evaluations, the leadership meeting also highlighted current issues that need to be anticipated and addressed. FPH Dean, Prof. Mondastri K. Sudaryo, urged all members of the faculty to maximize available opportunities. This is crucial to cope with the challenge of reduced funding for faculty management. “It is necessary to maintain our core business, which is education. For that, we need to sustain our study programs. Currently, we are facing a decrease in applicants for the graduate level, and on the other hand, UI is implementing budget efficiency measures. We are also facing challenges in accessing fund balances, making us highly dependent on study programs,” Prof. Mondastri stated during the leadership meeting discussion.

The Dean also emphasized the importance of opening international classes and expanding international collaborations. Currently, FPH UI is proposing two programs for international accreditation, namely the Bachelor’s Program in Nutrition and the Master’s Program in OHS. This plan certainly requires the support of all parties.

The leadership meeting, attended by all structural officials of FPH UI, also presented the budget absorption figures for 2024 up to the third quarter and discussed the current conditions in various fields. (sf)