On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) welcomed a study visit from Dharma Putra Advent High School in Bekasi. A total of 43 students, along with 4 accompanying teachers, were received at the Doctoral Promotion Room at FPH UI. This visit served as a platform for FPH UI to introduce the Faculty of Public Health to prospective students, providing them with valuable insights and motivation in choosing their future academic paths.
The guest speakers at the event included the Head of the Department of Nutrition at FPH UI, dr. Fathimah Sulistyowati Sigit, M.Res., Ph.D.; the Head of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at FPH UI, Abdul Kadir, S.K.M., M.Sc.; Faculty Member from the Department of Environmental Health at FPH UI, Fitri Kurniasari, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D.; and the Coordinator of the Education Administration Subunit at FPH UI, Amalia Kuswarjanti, S.K.M.
General information about FPH UI, such as curriculum details, facilities, tuition fees, scholarships, new student selection processes, and information about the Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health Program, was shared by the Coordinator of the Education Administration Subunit, Amalia Kuswarjanti, S.K.M. Meanwhile, dr. Fathimah Sulistyowati Sigit, M.Res., Ph.D., provided information about the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nutrition. This session involved a Q&A format, which engaged the students in an interactive discussion with dr. Fathimah. “Graduates of the Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition from FPH UI can not only become nutritionists or dietitians but also many have succeeded in creating their own job opportunities as entrepreneurs in the field of nutrition,” explained dr. Fathimah in response to a question about career prospects for Nutrition graduates.
Additionally, Faculty Member from the Department of Environmental Health at FPH UI, Fitri Kurniasari, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D., provided an explanation about the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Environmental Health. “The Bachelor’s in Environmental Health at FPH UI is a program that focuses on identifying, evaluating, and minimizing environmental hazards,” said Dr. Fitri. The Bachelor’s in Environmental Health is one of the most competitive programs to enter at FPH UI, as seen in the 2023 new student admissions process.
Furthermore, the Head of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at FPH UI, Abdul Kadir, S.K.M., M.Sc., introduced the OHS Program. This program is still relatively unknown to many of the students visiting. “In simple terms, OHS is the science that studies how to create a safe working environment for workers so they remain healthy and safe while performing their jobs,” explained Abdul Kadir. “The Bachelor’s Degree in OHS at FPH UI is based on five key pillars: occupational health, occupational safety, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, and human factors and behavior. These are the main topics that students will study in the OHS program at FPH UI,” he added.
Through this study visit, it is hoped that the information shared by the speakers will serve as a valuable resource and help guide prospective students in making informed decisions when choosing their study programs in higher education. (wrk)